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Au pair aux USA

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 [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples

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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Nombre de messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Ma lettre avant corrections   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 03 Oct 2007, 2:05 am

Je vous met en ligne ma jolie lettre, bien longue, bien faite, trop géniale et tout que je viens de finir (je dis ça parce que je viens de passer + de 2 heures dessus, sachant que j'avais déjà fais mon brouillon y'a 15 jours)

Je suis chez STS, en rappel.

Je ne l'ai pas encore faite corrigé alors soyez indulgents pour mon anglais.

Dear family,

First i can say i'm so excited to come in USA, in your family. That's the reason why i'm very happy to write this letter for you !

My name is Ophélie, i will be 21 in december. All my life is child-oriented, so it's a real privilege to be an au pair ... your au pair.

Then i live in my own appartement since half past one year. As a consequence i'm used to be far from my family. Furthermore, i spend tree years in a boarding school for my studies. Thus, i'm very mature and independant, and it won't be a problem to be in an other country.

My family, big family, agree my decision and think it will be a good experience for me. Me too. They composed of 2 sisters (Amélie 18, Mandy 15) and 4 brothers (Valentin 12, Dylane 10, Théo 5, Williane 2).

Also, i really love children and spend a lot of time with them. Therefore, i would like to do childcare my career. In order to do this, when i will come back to France, i will join an Educator's school.

Furthermore, i'm very socialbe and prefer to be with people and meet news than to stay alone. Still i can need solitud sometimes.

Otherwise, if you look my profile, you can see i have got a lot of references in babysitting, summer camps or others.

What's is more, i would like to improve my english for remove language barriers when i meet people. Wich is why i choose USA. Also it will be a good way to discover a different country than France or United Kingdom, with new habits. Moreover, i'm someone who is adventurous, and love to travel.

To conclude, i can say i'm very funny, and will love your children. I can asseret i will have very good relationships and become a big sister. So i promise to play swing with them and reading stories.

It's very important for me to find a family who will love me as mush as i will love you.

I wish i will spend a fantastic year with you.

Ophélie, french au pair.

Sunshiniz, on a des lettres tout à fait différentes, mais la tienne est bien aussi !!!!!

Désolée si j'ai des idées qui ressemble un peu aux votres, mais j'ai lu vos lettres il y a deux mois de ça alors j'ai paut être été inspirée !

Merci de me donner votre avis si vous le voulez bien.

Bisous Ophélie.

édit : Bonne lettre mais à compléter. Anglais correct.

Points à améliorer
- Lettre un peu courte.
- Elle dit que sa vie est « child-oriented », cela nécessite des explications! Trois passages devraient être regroupés : le moment où elle parle de cela, le moment où elle parle de ses études éloignées et le moment où elle parle de ses projets professionnels.
- La description de la famille est trop courte : la profession des parents, sa relation avec eux…
- Il faut développer l’expérience avec les enfants et ne pas se contenter de renvoyer aux références. La lettre, c’est l’occasion de décrire ses expériences, de donner des petites anecdotes, de rendre ces expériences crédibles et vivantes, montrer sa personnalité avec les enfants!
- Beaucoup de « moreover » ou autres transitions : il s’agit d’une lettre, pas d’une argumentation Wink
- Elle ne parle pas de ses loisirs.
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 7
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Nounou
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 08 Oct 2007, 12:06 am

Bonsoir à toute,

Je viens de lire vos lettres et j'ai l'impression qu'elles sont toutes aussi bien et meilleur que le mienne, la mienne m'a l'air détre trop longue ...
Si vous pouvez donner votre avie, ou conseil [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 952194

Dear Host Family,

My name is Marion, I’m 19 and I live in Beynes, a little town nearly Paris. I live with my parent and my twin sister: Pascal my mother, it’s an Italian, she has a very strong character but I love her like that, she’s secretary in Paris. My Father: Hervé, it’s my idol, he always encouraged me in my dream, and he’s a computer specialist. Laurie is my sister, we are twin sister, she is still in hight school (at level of studies, she has one year of delay). Me, I have my diploma of hight school Commerce, I don’t like this studies thus I stop after my last year of this sector. During my studies, I’ve pass my Bafa (it’s an organizer’s diploma for work with children). My family and me have a good relation and They encouraged me for to live in America, they think it’s a good experience for me.

I want be an aupair girl in USA because I love children, they are indispensable for me, they make me live in an other world, I’m happy when I played , I talked with them, when I occupy them … Thus this aupair’ program is interesting because I would be bilingual whil realizing my passion and I live American dream.

I’ve an organizer experience, I love this job because I have some responsibility, patience and I pass a lot of time with children and amused them.
I worked in center for kids (3 to 5 years old) during February’ holiday, we’ve the theme of Pirate, I make them crazy clothes for their nice Carnival in us town. I organized a lot of games on the theme (treasure’ card …) and I accomplished a piece of theatre.
I worked too during my July holiday; the theme was “the 4 element of nature”. With the nice weather, we went in zoo, park. Children were happy! We’ve maked a lot of game, activity on the element for to teach and respect the nature, they were interested, it was a success!
During 2 month, I practised baby sitting with 2 little girls: Lucie (7 years old) and Marélie (11 years old), all the day I charged of them: after the school, for homework, the lunch, the shower …and I played with them of course.

Like my experience, I’m very responsible and you can have totally confidence of me, I’m creative, very sociable (It’s like my sector of commerce, I have a good human relation). I like music, art and dance (I practised dance during 11 years) and like all young girl: the shopping!

I always have to dream to make passion and dream and this aupair’ program realized this. I dream to discover your nice country, your culture, your family, your cook … all American life. And I would like to discover you a little French culture. I want really to live like in an American family. Thus I would like to perfect my English because now it’s important and indispensable in the world of work

After this year with you, I want to be more independent and find a job with kids in an other country and to be bilingual it’s a positive point for me.

I think that we will spend one excellent year together and that you would be happy to be with me.

I hope to see you soon.

Merci [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 90242

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct (quelques erreurs mais compréhensible).

Points positifs
- Elle place les enfants dans ses motivations en expliquant pourquoi.
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences en centre.

Points à améliorer
- Elle parle de sa famille, puis de ses diplômes et de nouveau de sa famille : regrouper les informations.
- Elle parle de ses études mais pas de ses projets.
- Son expérience de baby-sitting devrait être davantage développée : anecdotes…
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 286
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : erasmus Dublin
Dates de mon séjour : 21 juillet 2008 à juillet 2009
Ville, ETAT : Houston, TEXAS
charleston, SC
Localisation : Irlande
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Déc 2007, 1:29 am

slt tout le monde bon j'ai fait ma lettre je l'avais deja montrer à aodrenn en MP (et jai ecouter ces quelques petits conseils) mais j'aimerais aussi avoir dautres avis!! merci davance...

Dear host family,

My name is Intissar (I know it’s a weird name!!) it’s egyptian and it means victory or trimph, I’m 19 years old and I live in Paris with my mother and my little sister. My mother is 42 and my sister is 10 years old. I have my “Baccalauréat” it’s your high school diploma, and this year I’m studying english at University. In a few years I would like to become a French teacher in the U.S. All my family support me in my decision to go to the U.S as an au pair. I think it’s the best way to learn a language and to discover a country with a different culture from mine.

I ‘m a dynamic,warm, loving, trustworthy and responsible young woman, I’m mature and I really like children, that’s why I’m taking care of them. I do a lot of babysittings, and I always have a special relationship with each child because they’re all different. I know how to have fun, I like playing with children, drawing and going out at the playground but actually it depends on their age, the best thing is that I always have new ideas. I know how to take care of an infant since I was 9, as a matter of fact the first time it was with my little sister : I learnt how to change diapers, make a bottle etc. Last year I looked after a baby (6 months) until now, I was with him on Wednesdays and Saturdays ; sometimes it was just for a night, I think it’s amazing and wonderful to see a baby growing up, it’s going too fast.

Apart from him I took care of 3 other children . First Pierre who is 5 (he’s an only child), at the beginning he was very shy with me for a while but I’m very patient with children and I put him at ease, then he’s becoming adorable with me , he talked to me , we made a lot of outdoors activites; it was great. In contrast to Pierre, Baptiste (6) was immediatly in confidence with me!! He talked a lot , and he loved very much video games and cartoons ; his sister was 2 years old and was adorable. I had to picked them from school everyday (from 4:30 p.m to 8:00 p.m), then they had a snack at home,I made them having their bath and finally I helped Baptiste with his homeworks and the rest of the time I played with them.

On top of that, I’m also a volunteer ( 2h/week) in a non-profit organization which is fighting against inequalities, therefore I try to help children and teenagers who live in difficult areas, or who have problems with their families; as a consequence they often have issues at school. When they’re young I help them with their homeworks and I try to teach them a few things; if it’s teenagers, they’re looking for their way in life so I try to help them in their counseling as much as I can , and I encourage them to poursue their studies.

Going to the USA as an au pair would be a great opportunity for me. I would like to improve my english and to live the American way of life, I really want to be integrate in your family and I think it would be an exellent exchange. I would like to share my culture with you and maybe teach you a few words of French. I would like to discover your country because I really like travelling....I went in a lot of countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Marocco, Tunisia,
Egypt, Cuba, Greece and more) but never in the USA, that’s why I’ve chosen this destination, since I’m very young it’s a dream.

I do like reading (novels, short-stories, poetry...), listening music, going out to the cinema with my friends and cooking (making cakes with children is very funny). I also like fashion and watching TV ( I love american series). I love sport, my favorite one is the synchronize swimming , I had to stop because of an injury but I’m always able to swim very well. Moreover I like B-Ball, volley-ball and ping-pong.

I hope with this letter you can feel that i’m really motivated, honest and competant.

PS: I don’t have my driver’s licence in France but if you really want me to drive, I can try to have it in the US.

Hope to hear from you soon and take care.


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences avec le détail des activités et les tempéraments des enfants.
- Elle parle de ce qu’elle pourrait apporter à la famille.
- Lettre complète, elle aborde tous les domaines!

Points à améliorer
- Peut-être se montrer plus confiante dans le PS, reformuler de façon à montrer que ce n'est pas un souci
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 467
Age : 37
Activité actuelle : Au pair
Dates de mon séjour : 7 juillet 2008
Ville, ETAT : Charlotte, NC puis Savannah GA
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 03 Fév 2008, 10:25 pm

Voilà la mienne, je pense qu'il manque des trucs, mais j'arrive pas à savoir quoi... Voilà dites moi ce que vous en pensez.

Dear Host family,

My name is Céline, I am 21 years old since December the 26th. I live with my parents who are retired and my brother in Rosny sous bois, near Paris. I have one brother who is named Sébastion and who is 27 years old, and one sister Frédérique who is 32 years old. I have a good relationship with my family and they approve my decision to leave. At the beginning they are afraid because the United States of America are so far away from France, but we had a discussion, I explained them my point of view and they understood my decision. Now they are enthusiastic and they support me.

I had my “ baccalauréat ” which is a high school degree specialised litterature, in july 2007 and my driving licence since november 2006. I had performed art at school, and now I study performing arts at the university since october, and I like it. Later I would like to be an actrice of theatre, I practice it since almost thirteen years. I consider my four best friends as a second family; we love being together. When I have some free time I love going to the cinema (alone or with my friends), reading, using the Internet, writting, going to Paris, listening to music. I like discovering new things: new countries, new customs, new people. I have already visited Malta, Great Britain, Corsica (small island which is a department of France), Morocco, Tunisia; but now I would like to discover the USA. So that my dream becomes true I wanted to reconcile my passion for the children and my envy to discover your country.

I want to be an au pair because I love children. I have two nieces and I take care of them since they are babies. Every wednesday evening since Ella (3 years old) was born, I take care of them at their home to allow their parents to go to the cinema. I am generally going to look for them to the school, then I make them eat and I make carry out the homework of Mila (seven years old). After is bath time, which is during more or less half an hour. After during I preparing the meal, they play between them. For the bed time I read a story. When I have more time, I take them to the museum for children, or to the cinema : I love it. I have taking care two years ago of eight years old girl, I helped her to do her homework. And now, I take care of a little boy of three years old. Everything won’t be cool at the beginning, because he tested me to see to where he could go. I thing I have been patient, considerate and thoughtful cause now he is nice. From now on five months when I keep him, I noticed that a complicity it been settled : We draw, I tell him story, we play dominoes, we painting, playing with plasticine, little cars, and other activities.

I attach great value to family’s notion. I really want to be a part of your familly. I think we have something to share. We have different culture, customs, traditions, name-days and I would like to know yours. I think, when we want to live with a foreign family we may have to do some concession, make efforts to adapt herself to the life of the family to whom have life. I am not affraid to do some homeworks, because I do it in my own home. I hope children They shall not hesitate to entrust it if they need it, and you will speak to me if you feel smell that there is a problem. I like the dialogue, I prefer talking and explain what the matter is. I would like to become au pair in the USA because it’s different of our country and I have a lot of things to discover. The au pair adventure is an exchange between two culture different and I find that very interessant. Furthermore I like taking charge of children. The au pair adventure in United States is also going to allow me to improve my English. I join the useful for the pleasant.

I hope you enjoyed my letter.

Best regards, Céline

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Elle décrit bien son expérience avec ses nièces et parle d’une complicité avec un enfant dont elle s’occupe.
- Elle parle des valeurs familiales (ne pas en parler si vous n’êtes pas vraiment famille, mais si vous l’êtes, il est important de le dire!). Elle parle même des éventuelles difficultés à vivre avec une famille étrangère.
- Lettre complète.

Points à améliorer
- Les expériences de baby-sitting hors famille pourrait être développées un peu plus : activités, anecdote.
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¤ projet annulé ¤

Féminin Nombre de messages : 489
Age : 35
Activité actuelle : LLCE polonais, 1ere année
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 03 Fév 2008, 11:31 pm

Voila la mienne aussi :d

Dear Family,

My name is Emiliana and I am 18 years-old, I was born on May, 24th in 1989. I study in a literary class with languages’options. I learn English, German and Spanish. I also speak Polish because my mother lived in Poland during fourteen years.

My relationship with my parents is very good. It’s a trust relation. They know that I am a serious person. They always know where I go and when I return at home.
They approve my plan to go in the USA for one year.
I look after my brother since I was 13 years-old- Today he is 11. As others brothers and sisters we can argue together but most of the time we have fun. For his birthdays, I made animations with his friends, they were happy each times!

Since about two years and half, I look after three children. Today, they are 15, 13 and 11 years-old. First, I look after only some evenings which I must cook for them and send to sleep. Now, I regularly look after during holidays, all day, we play games that I bring them to discover together, we cook and do homeworks. We also went to Eurodisney and Versailles’ castle.

I also sometimes look after two girls. They are 11 and 4 years-old. It’s not regularly like the others but they go at home every week, I play with them, and with my brother and the 11-year-girl we like to go in Paris to visit some things or play in parks.

In 2003, I also made a training period, during one week, in a school. I helped children to make homeworks, played with them, made sport, went to the Louvre museum.

I want to go in the USA to discover a new culture being in as American family, and to ameliorate my English. I always like travel since I am 11.
Later, I want to work like a trilingual secretary that’s why I want to ameliorate my English.

I feel at-ease when I am with children, I like find new plays, new activities and helping them like a sister.
I think that to be an good au pair, I must integrate family, be serious, not flee problems, and give the best of oneself.

A last thing, I don’t have my driver’s license but I am ready to do it in the USA, if you need it.

Best regards

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Elle parle de sa relation avec ses parents.
- Elle décrit un peu ses expériences avec les enfants : activités.

Points à améliorer
- Elle pourrait développer la description de sa famille : profession des parents, âges des frères et sœurs, prénoms.
- Pour sa seconde expérience, elle dit qu’elle les garde parfois, il est donc inutile d’insister en disant que c’est moins régulier que les autres : mettez vos expériences en valeur, aussi petites soient-elles.
- Les expériences avec les enfants sont peu nombreuses, il est donc important de bien les développer pour les mettre en avant : décrire ce qui a été fait, décrire les tempéraments des enfants, leurs centres d’intérêt, etc., afin de rendre ces expériences plus vivantes et de montrer la joie que cela vous a procuré de vous en occuper.
- Elle ne parle pas du tout de ses études, de ses projets.
- Elle ne parle pas non plus de son caractère, de ses loisirs.
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 48
Age : 36
Dates de mon séjour : 8 sept 2008
Ville, ETAT : Davidson, Caroline du nord
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Fév 2008, 4:25 pm

Bon a mon tour de vous demandez votre avis pour ma lettre que j'ai fini hier...bon courage et soyez sincere !!!

merci !!

Dear host family,

My name is Pauline Verdier, I'm 19, I live in the north of France in Lille and I am hoping to be an au pair during 2008/2009 in the United States of America.

America has always attracted me because of the heritage, the culture, the tradition, the english language... During summer 2004, my dream comes true. I was going to stay, in San diego, during a month, in a host family in order to discover the culture, to visit California and to improve my english. 4 years later, this country still attracts me more than ever, so I have decided to spend a year as an au pair in USA.

My family is composed of my parents Annick and Bernard who are still maried, and I have a little sister, Delphine who is 17 years old. We live in a house, in a town called Douai, but since 2 years I have my own apartment in Lille because of my studies. So, I go back home every week end in order to see them. Both my parents are working in a hospital. My mother is an administrativ agent and my father is a biomedical technician. Delphine is still in high school but in her last year, she is going to pass her baccalauréat.

About me, as I have said, I live by myself with my roomate, and also my best friend Anais in Lille. Anais is in college in order to become a teatcher and I am in a tourism BTS in order to become a travel agent. During my BTS, we had to do 14 weeks of training period, and the rest of the time we are in school. It is really instructive because we learn a lot of things about the world heritage and also we discover the work world. This BTS also makes me more independant, responsible and mature as I have to live far away from my parents.
I judge myself as a lucky one because my parents are doing a lot of things for me and my hapiness. Thanks to them, I did a lot of things in my life, I travel a lot (Tunisa, Italy, USA, Republica-dominicana, Bulgaria, Greece, Marocco...)and they support me and help me for the procedures to become an au pair.

During my chilhood, I experienced pottery for like 4 years, and I practised classical dancing during 8 years long so as my sister who still dance. At school, we experienced a lot of sport (basketball, rugby, gym, swimming pool...). During my schooling, I learn how to speak english and spanish. We did each year a school travel (Versailles, Italy, Hungary, Paris, Disneyland...). I am proud of my schooling.

During my free time, I spend time with my family and my friends. I enjoy going to the movie theatre, hanging out outside. I am always listening to music and singing (even if I am not a really good singer).

Children are very important for me, I adore spending time with them. They are so funny, cute and dynamic. I have a diploma, the B.A.F.A ( diploma for youth leaders), wich allows me to take care of children in camps during vacations.
In the past 2 years, I did 2 summer camps with children of 6 to 11. I spend the entire afternoon with them doing many activities (drawing, playing outside, swimming pool, sports, laughing,having fun...)
Since 2 years, during a week, in february, I go to ski camp with children from 6 to 16. This camp is a really important experience because we are days and nights with the kids, so we learn a lot of things because they are all different.
In my family, I sometimes take care of Agathe, my little cousin, who is now 2. She is really sweet, adorable, she talks a lot and love dancing. When I am with her, I change her diapers, I feed her, take her to nap, entertain her... it is always a pleasure to be with her.
One of my friend have 2 children : Segolene (now 5), and Albert (now 4). I now them since 3 years and I sometimes take care of them when their parents are working or when they are out. They are very active, they enjoy being outside or running in the house. Their parents really trust me which is important for me.
Mathis is 3 and he is my friend's nephew. I help her during vacation when she is taking care of him. He is really likeable, and really active. He always need to be busy so we take him to the park, in the garden, or pottering in the neighbourhood.
I am really attached to this children, and I hope my relation with yours will be as good and strong as the relation that I have with the children in France. Spending time with kids is always a pleasure for me.

I really whish to spend an unforgetable year with your family.

Best regards


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle parle bien d’elle, se décrit de plusieurs façons : famille, amis, caractère, loisirs, etc.
- Elle décrit ce qu’elle a fait avec les enfants.

Points à améliorer
- Elle ne met pas du tout les enfants au premier plan de ses motivations, il faudrait donc que les enfants arrivent plus rapidement dans la lettre. Les enfants arrivent très tardivement dans la lettre! Le début donne un sentiment de « moi je ».
- Attention à ne pas parler de BTS mais d’études de tourisme car BTS ne veut rien dire pour les Américains et ils peuvent s’y perdre!
- Le paragraphe avec le baby-sitting pourrait être un peu développé par des anecdotes. Cela rendra plus crédible une phrase telle que « I am really attached to this children ».
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Crazy Lily
:: Cultural Care ::
:: Cultural Care ::
Crazy Lily

Féminin Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 34
Activité actuelle : Etudiante en licence d'anglais
Dates de mon séjour : Départ le 2 Aout 2010
Ville, ETAT : Houston, Texas
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Mar 2008, 10:34 pm

Je viens juste de terminer et j'aimerai savoir si je n'ai rien oublié ou si il y a trop de fautes ou n'importe quoi XD . Merci à l'avance les filles ^^ !

Dear host family,

Hello, my name is Aurélie Chalier, I’m 17 years old. I was born in Neufchâteau, in France, the 5° september 1990. I live in Vittel, a small amazing town known for his water, in the east of France, near Nancy. Unfortunately, I have no brother and no sister, in spite of the several resquests that I’ve done when I was child. I grow up in an magnificent family. At the moment, my parents are separated since this year. My mum, Nadine, lives with my father-in-low in Paris, and she will be receptionist in a castel in Belgium in July. I see her during the week end, and for the holidays. So, I live with my Dad, called Jean Claude, he works in a factory, he is machinist. I have harmonious relationships with them, and I love them. I will forgot, I have a dog, a toy poodle Pirate. For me family is very important, but it necessary for me to leave us to live my life, it’s compulsory for my studies . All my family support me about this new adventure, and about my décision to become an au pair in the United States of America and to stay far of them during one year. So just my grand-ma was some astonished when I tell to her that I want to go in America, because for she it’s so far and she said that I’m again a little girl, that she saw me again when I was a baby with a little a dress. But now, she understand my décision and she tell me to laugh « What are you doing there ? You must prepair yourself for you travel ! Go to the states ! ».

Now about me, I have a lot of passions, in first time, children of course, after I pass a lot of time in cimema, in some words, I’m a movie-lover, and I turn, for my diploma a short movie, that was just fantastic ! And I hope that I could be one day in this art, I find my vocation. I’ve done, during 6 years, theatrical, I kept a lot of good memories. I love to listening music especially Rock’n’roll, R’n’B, soul and all kinds of music… I love too all kinds of arts, photography, I love to go in the museum. Other passion, I’m addicted about egyptology, since I was child, when I’ve seen on TV, the discover of the King Tut-Ankh- Amon, in 1922 by Carter. I enjoy skiing, ridding, going for a walk, dancing of course, do roller blade, play basketball with my friends and I’ve done during 2 wear gymnastic.

I hopping to be an au pair during year 2008/2009 in the United States of America. It’s very important for me, in order I love children, for me a kid brought so much in a house, they are a real source of joy, hapiness and they are indispensable in a couple. They are our futur. It’s my first motivation for this program. After, i really enjoy to take care about your children, I love to be with us, to plays with us, do manual activities and all activites…But, it’s not all, I so happy to discover an another culture than mine, I enjoy this idea to share our culture, because it’s important to me, to learn another way of life and learn my culture with you. It’s a real humanist side. Au pair’s programm is also the best way to speak english like I can speak french because i think that’s the best to know a language, it’s to go in the country. Since I was child, I want to go in the united States, I’m fascinated about your country, through movies, culture, and all the story of the United States.

Now, I have to speak about my experience with child.
Like I wrote after, I have no brother and no sister but I have several expériences. When I was 14, I kept 3 children, Brandon aged 3 years old, Bryan, 6 years old, and their sister Nina, 8 years old. They are lovely, I took care of them sometimes, during that their parents were in hospital to be with their new baby, who is very ill. With kids, I look TV because the youngest, Brandon, loves Télétubies and Disney animations movies, I remember when we are dancing and singing in front of the TV, that was so funny ! I also help Nina and Bryan to do their homeworks, and after we are playing games, doing manual activities… For example, we have created masks, with a plate and a yogourt pot.
After during the summer 2006, I took care of my cousin, Morgane, she was 11 years old, I kept her all the days. I passed a fantastic summer with she, we used to go outside, go cycling, help her for her summer homework. I learn to her bases in english 1 hour per day.. I sometimes cook for her and our family, and she was my assistant. I stay with her during all the summer, I have a lot of memories, we were playing a lot of sort of games, play to Playstation, and we have our day, the Saturday, that we doing manuals activities.
More recent, I kept a little boy called Thomas, as a nanny, he is 7 years, I take care of him during 2 weeks. I will take care of him again this summer, his parents invited me. I remember once time, when Thomas help me to do a « Quiche Lorraine » a culinary speciality of my region he doing the eggs with the shell, I laugh a lot ! I made for him a plane in paper, I’ve never do that after, but after several tests, I succeed and now, I know how I can do a plane in paper ! I play with him to soccer, basketball, and they are doing animals in « pâte à sel ».
This year too, I took care of one adorable 4 years old girl, Marion. I took her during my holidays, and I was with her a lot of time. I played with her, she adore « Charlotte aux fraises » and she have got the house, and all about his favorite character. I love when she and I look TV, and when she sleeping against me. This little girl laugh a lot, and always makes jokes how when she took my shoes and tries to walk with them ! One day, I take care of them, after her bath, I coiffure her, she was so cute.
Soon, I will take care about a little girl, I have ever prepair a lot of activities to do with she.
So I’ve allways a good relations with kids, I love them, et I enjoy to be like a big sister for them.

Now about my temper, what can I say about me ? I really dont know, but I can try… I’m a serious, mature, energetic personn, I need to do somesthing else, I hate to stay without doing anything. You can have confident in me, I’ve got the sence of responsability. I’m really patient with kids, i able to be respected without any cry because I hate when I see a child crying. I ‘m a merry and funny girl, I always have the smile, and I think that complain didn’t serve. At home, I help my father for the household, for preparing the meal I do my best to help him because I think that’s normal to help him in the weekly cleanup of the house.

I hope you like it, thank you for reading. I am so hurry to meet you and your children, take care of them, and I hope to dicover you fantastic country and being the best au pair.

Best regards,


édit : Très bonne lettre mais trop longue. Anglais correct (erreurs mais compréhensible).

Points positifs
- Elle parle de valeurs familiales.
- Elle parle de nombreux loisirs et centres d’intérêts.
- Elle explique ses motivations en parlant de plusieurs aspects : enfants, culture, côté humain, langue, etc.
- Elle donne de très nombreux exemples concrets de ses expériences avec les enfants avec anecdotes!
- Lettre très complète.

Points à améliorer
- La lettre est trop longue, des petits détails à supprimer :
* la date de naissance
* diminuer l’anecdote avec la grand-mère
* réduire d’autres petits détails.
- Essayer de traduire certaines choses comme « pâte à sel ».
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 120
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Etudiante en LEA anglais, espagnol, russe
Dates de mon séjour : 4 aout 2008 au 31 mars 2009
Ville, ETAT : Atlanta, GEORGIA
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar 2008, 11:34 pm

Je vous met la mienne, derniere piece a mon dossier ...
Je sais que y'a plein de fautes... mais bon je veux quand meme que ca soit naturel...!

Bon courage pour la lire ! Dites moi ce que vous en pensez siouplé ^^ Merci !

Dear Host Family,

I’m Claire and I will be 20 in July 2008. I live single in Montpellier, in the South of France, where I study. But I’m from Fréjus, in the South East, my parents still live there. My father, Jean-Marie, is a bridge engineer, and my mother, Anne-Marie, was a school teacher but she stopped working to stay at home. Regularly, she hosts foreign students, and give them French lessons, for a few weeks. Our family is composed of 3 children. My elder brother, Damien, is 23, he’s mason and work with my uncle and my grand-father. My little sister, Céline, is 9, and she’s very cute! I took care of her since she was a baby, and we really enjoy share time together. We are all very close, and I often see my aunts, cousins, grand-parents… We are a big family, and they all support my decision, because this will be a very good experience.

I passed my hight school diploma, specialized in applied arts, in 2006. I followed in this field, more precisely in Visual Communication by computer, and I’m actually in my second university year, and I will try to pass my last exams in June. I decided to take time to improve my English and discover the United States during the next year. It’s why I chose the au pair program: it allows me to realise my dream, and take care of children, which is a wonderful job because I love them !

During my free time, I am very busy. Arts in general interest me. I often go to the museum, or to see exhibitions. I also paint on canvases to put them on my apartment and I do a little bit photography. I often go to cinema, and I prefer the author’s movies, in original version with subtitles.
Sometimes, I go to concerts, and theatre. If the weather allows it, I really enjoy to go skiing with my friends in the South Alpes.
I have started ski when I was 3, so I think I have now a quiet good level to really appreciate! I also enjoy travel, but my actual budget doesn’t allows me to do it! I have friends in many places because I didn’t stay in the same one during the last years. I’m a friendly person, and I think I easy get along with people. Sharing time with my friends take a lot of my free time, but they have the same hobbies, so we can practice it together!

I will now introduce my experience with children. I think my bigger one, is to have taking care of my little sister Céline. When she was born, I was 10, so I became her second mom. I can’t count the hours I spent with her, the laughs and cries neither!
When she grew up, I really enjoyed preparing her birthday party, with games, cakes, songs, and candles… The few of my first baby sittings are thanks to her and my mother. You know, she was the school teacher in my sister’s school. Parents knew her very well, and my mom gave them my phone number. When I was 15, I stayed for one month, with my mother, in class. I helped her with children, reading them stories, watching them during the break time, and helping them for arts and crafts. I have really good memories of this period, because I really got along with children, and now again, when I go to pick up my sister at school, some of them run to give me a hug !

A little girl, Lea, is part of these children. Two years ago, I took care of her while her parents went out for parties. I had usually to make her meal, give her the bath, and play with her. Before to go to bed we always tidy her bedroom, because all toys were often on the floor!

She was a very cute girl, and it was often easy to laugh with her, apart when she refused to go to bed! But I just had to read her a book, and she felt asleep !

Lea’s mom advise me to one of her friend. Many times, I have been to take care of 3
little girls, aged of 7, 4, and 2. One day, the parents organized a party with their friends at home, and I had to supervise all the kids… They were 8 children…
It was difficult to keep an eye on all of them, because the ages were different, but all I needed was to make them focus on the games I had prepared for them !

Last summer, I worked in a kind of Asian jewellery, but only during the evening.
During the day, I took care of a baby aged of 5 months, Matteo. With him, the day was well filled, but he is so cute ! I saw him the last week, he walks now!

I am really very motivated for this next year in the USA, and I would discover how is
the way to live on the other side of the ocean ! I hope you know me better now, and that I will fit with the kind of aupair you need ! You can have confidence on me, I will love your children as if they were my own little brother or sister .

Best Regards

édit : Très bonne lettre, agréable à lire. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Lettre très complète : famille, amis, loisirs, expérience…
- Elle décrit bien ses loisirs, ce qui permet de mieux la cerner.
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences avec les enfants, avec anecdotes.

Points à améliorer
- Faire un seul paragraphe pour Léa (actuellement divisé en 3).
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 231
Age : 37
Activité actuelle : au pair
Dates de mon séjour : Aout 2008-Aout 2009
Ville, ETAT : Alexandria, Virginia
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Mar 2008, 2:34 pm

coucou tout le monde !
vos lettres sont super et du coup je crains pour la mienne ! est ce que c'est possible d'avoir vos avis ?
merciii :)

Dear Host family,
Time is coming for me to write a letter in which you can really see what kind of person i am and what my motivations are for becoming an aupair. And how exciting it is!!
My name is Aurore and I am twenty years old soon to be twenty one. I live in Haute Savoie, in a little town near ones of the best French ski resorts and Lake Geneva with my parents. I have a dog, a crazy dog which likes eating my cell phone and my home is full of love and laughs. I have no sisters or brothers but we are a very close family and my mother has lots of brothers which means lots of cousins. It’s really important for me to see them as much as I can. Family is one of the most important values I cherish in my life. My parents both work in Switzerland, in the ILO (international labour organisation) for my father, Christian, and in a restaurant for my mother, Nadine. They support me for becoming an aupair and I really need it. I enjoy spending time with them because it’s not often since I have been studying in Germany for one year as an erasmus student. I study German and English and I will be finishing my bachelor on July if I pass my exams, and of course I hope so! Besides my family, friends are also an important part of my life.
What can I say about me…well I am responsible and patient, I like listening to people and of course taking care of children. Though I am a bit shy, I am very sociable and easy-going. I belonged to a swimming club for one year. I like horseback riding, hanging out with my friends, reading, foreign languages and cultures, Walt Disney movies, music, and chocolate!! I am not a party girl who goes each weekends to nightclubs, I prefer a calm and fun diner with my friends, spending night to talk and laugh. I enjoy traveling and I am used to live away from home, which, I think, is a great advantage to become an aupair. As I said above, I’m studying in Germany, I have been 15 days in England, in Barcelona with my best friend, in Turkey, in the Caribbean islands. Concerning my future, I plan to become a translator of children books or to work in a luxury hotel.
But enough about me and let’s talking about the reasons I want to become an aupair. I enjoy taking care of children, I think it is a very great and interesting experience. Children are innocent and full of energy, little by little they discover the world around them and I like being there to help them going forward and living new adventures. Also I would like to experience living in another culture than my own and improve my language skills which is really needed.
I was an aupair for three months in Germany in 2006. I took care of 3 girls aged four years, two years and seven months when I arrived. Honestly it was a very rich, great and human experience. Although there were some moments of panic as the flood of the bathroom during the bath time, it was fun and full of new things I discovered with happiness and curiosity. I used to feeding them, giving them a bath, reading stories, playing with them, doing art and crafts, cooking pastries with them, going to the park and play dates. We have fun learning. A big relationship was build between the children, the host parents and me, based on trust, friendship and fun! Moreover I worked in a primary school with children who were between six and eight years old. It was a different job but as interesting as the aupair one. I helped them doing their homework after school. At the beginning, it was difficult as they were testing me but I showed them that I was only there to help them and as the school year finished, I was really sad to leave them and I really miss them. They gave me lots of draws and bonbons and to show me their affection was the best gift I received ever!
In june 2007 I took care of two boys, Hélianthe and Tribun principally after school and in the same time I was voluntary in an association which helps children reading.
I’m currently the babysitter of 2 children, Savannah and Anthony, they are 6 and 8 years old. I take care of them each day after school and on Wednesday’s all day long because they are not at school. I am used to give them a snack, wash them, play with them, do puzzles and everything children of that age like doing. Sometimes I babysit other children for the night when parents want to have time for them.
I cannot wait for spending a year in the United States and in an open, loving and caring family. I know that I can bring you some pieces of France and I can be a great au pair for your children. I like sharing with people and I hope it will be with your family.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards

édit : Très bonne lettre, agréable à lire. Bon anglais.

Points positifs
- Lettre très complète : famille, projets, caractère, loisirs, expériences, motivations…
- Bonne introduction de la famille : valeurs familiales introduites avec humour et amour.
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences avec les enfants, avec anecdotes.

Points à améliorer
- Attention, un mot est resté en français (bonbons).
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 122
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : futur au pair
Dates de mon séjour : arrivée (ou départ ça dépend comment on voit les choses...) 11 aout 2008
Ville, ETAT : Ardsley, NY
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Mar 2008, 7:37 pm

Hello !!!
Je viens de finir ma lettre... il ne me reste donc plus qu'à finir mon collage... et hop mon dossier sera complet!!!
Je joins ma lettre et ce serait super simpa si l'une ou l'autre d'entre vous pourrez me dire ce qu'elle en pense!!!

Dear Host Family,

My name is Mélanie and I am a 19 years old girl from Switzerland. I am living with my parents and my siblings in a village called Sugiez. I have a very good relationship with each of them and they all support me in my wish to go in the USA.

I am someone who is open-minded and who love meeting people. I like reading and traveling! I spend a lot of time with walking and shopping or going into museum. I think I am not complicated and I can adapt me very fast!

I want to be an au pair because I love spending time with children and I already spend a lot of time with them, so I know that it’s not an always easy role, but it’s a very rewarding one!

Every week I teach mathematics to teenagers, who are all between 12 and 17 years old.

Then I look after Adrian who is 6 and Benjamin who is 8 years old, and that since 4 years. I take car of them all 3 weeks. We do a lot of activities because they enjoy this and they are very active! For example we play soccer outside, we color eggs for Easter, we make a cake, we make pillows fights, etc. The only problem I have is by giving them a bath, because they love to play with water, and I never succeed to be dried at the end!

I also take care of Tim (30 months) and his sister Lisa (5 years old). They are both very nice and smiling. Lisa’s passion is drawing. I think I could cover up my entire bedroom with her master-work!

Between 2003 and 2006, I was a boys-scout leader. We were 3 of them and we organized activities and summer-camps for 30 children! We meet them all 2 weeks, on Saturday’s morning, and it was always a good time for us and for the children. We went almost each time outside and we do also “good deed”, that means we went in the neighborhood and we help the elderly person, in their daily activities.

My mother is a nursery school “teacher” and I go often with her to help her, and because I like it! You can see on one of the picture, how I am teaching the children a magic act! They were all impatient to go home to show the magic act to their parents!

I also want to be an au pair because I love USA (I went there ones), the people there and because I want to learn so much as possible about your culture, and I think the best way for this is that you accept me like a member of your family!

I hope to hear from you soon,

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle donne des détails qui rendent ces expériences avec les enfants crédibles, et font sourire.

Points à améliorer
- Lorsqu’elle parle d’elle-même (caractère et loisirs), cela pourrait être développé un peu plus.
- D‘autres petites choses peuvent être développées (motivations…)
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 88
Age : 34
Activité actuelle : ancienne au pair, étudiante infirmière
Dates de mon séjour : Départ le 4 aout 2008
retour le 16 avril..
Ville, ETAT : *Los Angeles, CA
*Denver, CO
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Mar 2008, 9:37 pm

wouahou malimel t'as lettre est pas mal du tout ! Wink
J'aime beaucoup les ptites accroches rigolottes que tu as mis !! flower

Il ne me reste également plus qu'à faire le montage photo et ce sera tout bon !
voici ma lettre ==>

Hello there !

My name is Sophie and I am a French girl looking for a sweet family.
I am 18, I was born on october 21st, 1989 and I am now in highschool
for the last year studying Economy and social issues. I want to be a
nurse later.
I really want to become an aupair because it seems to be the perfect
way for me to discover new places, met new friends and be able to
speak English fluently, all of that in doing what I really enjoy to do
: being with children.
I went to Boston in August 2006 for 3 weeks in an american family and
I really had fun with them, and we are still in contact. To my mind,
the USA are the best country to live in as it is really an attractiv
country with a lot of things to discover, to learn and with welcoming
inhabitants. So I am very excited to meet you !!!
I live in a beautiful city in North France called Nancy. I have been
living there since I was born but I am now ready to discover new
I live there with my parents, Laurence a gyneacologist and Pierre, an
office manager, my 15-year-old-sister who is in highschool, and my
little black doggy (a Flat Coatted Retreiver). I have a
21-year-old-borther who lives in his own appartment in Paris, studying
art and commercial. I am very close to my cousins
(12-year-old-twin-girls ) who live not far from my home. I am really
lucky as all my entourage support me in my choice to live in the USA
for a year. I have some close friends who are both sad that I leave
them and excited for me to live a such great experience.
About my personality, I think I am kind of warm-hearted young girl who
likes taking care of others. I am open-minded and friendly, sociable
and dynamic. I am quite family-oriented as I do the best to gather all
family for special occasions and I really enjoy spending time relaxing
in family. I like to do a lot of things and enjoy life as much as
possible !
I enjoy a lot of sports : I do a lot of rollerblade, I swim, I like
ski, water-ski and gymnastic.
I also like shopping, attending to concerts and hanging out with friends.
I know I am not flawless, as I can be a little bit shy and afraid of
the unknown sometimes but I am really ready to try as much as possible
I have a strong experience as a volunteer first-aid worker in an
organization like the Red Cross in France and 3 diplomas so I know
different ways to help people and children in difficulties as intensive
care, rescue and help for taking medicine.
I was also hired to work at a great summer camp for a couple of years now and I
really enjoy life there. There are a lot of activities to do with kids
like outings, friendly competitions or manual activities. I also got a
certificate (called the BAFA) for this kind of job.
I have a strong background with kids and particularly with taking
care of several children in the same time as, as I said, I work in a
summer camp and furthermore I lead a scout troop composed of 10 girls
aged 7 to 10 and so I am used to coping with those situations where
everything is upside down and when I have to find different
acitivities to suit to everyone. I also baby-sit accasionally a sweet 4-year-old-girl called Eglantine
and two big boys aged 3 and 7, Matis and Hugo. That is usually when
their parents are going out so I am responsible for feeding them,
bathing and putting them to bed. I have been taking care of my cousins
who were preemie twins, since they were born and they are now 12. So I
have could really see them grow up and change. In a general way, I
like to make children realise things by themselves like performances, cooking (mostly chocolate cakes ^^) or doing arts and
crafts with them, go to the playground, to the swimming pool, or to
the museum. I really enjoy having simple moments with them like
when I read them stories, I make them bathing or when I putt hem to

You can be sure that I will love your children as if they were my
brothers or sisters. I really like children and I will do my best
to be a good aupair for yours.
I hope to meet you soon and spend a wonderfull year with your
Best regards,

édit : Très bonne lettre. Bon anglais.

Points positifs
- Lettre complète et chaque point est détaillé (famille, motivations, caractères, loisirs…)

Points à améliorer
- La lettre est très bien rédigée, on aurait attendu une anecdote ou une note humoristique lorsqu’elle parle de son expérience avec les enfants.
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 29
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Apprentie en cuisine
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Mar 2008, 3:53 am

oulala qu'elles sont bien toutes vos lettre !

Je vois que certaines (voir toutes) ont beaucoup d'expériences et ont fait des centre aéré ou colo, personnellement je n'ai que 2 expériences...
Mais bon je vais vous écrire ma lettre et si vous avez le temps donnez vos avis s'il vous plait ! Wink

Et n'hésitez pas pour les fautes ou quoi que ce soit d'autre. Merci.

(Je viens de finir de l'écrire il est 01h50 alors dsl pour les énormes fautes de la fin Laughing , mais je suis trop fatiguée alors au passage good night everybody)

Dear host family,

I write you this letter for show you my motivation to be au pair. First my name's Julia and I'm twenty years old, already! I live in France in Grenoble, a beautiful city surrounded by mountain. I have a little brother, Nathan who is seventeen years old, he is to high school. We have rarely arguments. I live again with my parents, with who I have very good relationship. They trust me and support me in this plan to au pair during one year in the U.S.A. because my mother wanted do that. Live with them allow me to save money for carry out my plans.
I love to travel and to have responsabilities. I love going to adventure and discover new things. I'm going ten days in Italy only with a friend, two weeks in Greece, five times in Corsica, two weeks in Tunisia and ten days to New-York when I was ten years old. My trip to New-York marked me very much, it's for that I hope discover more your culture and your style of life.
I'm an open person, always present for listen and help people. I'm dynamic and independant, I like to divide my memorises and enjoy, but I'm not all week-end in discotheque ! I love doing sport, I do gymnastic during one year, to the dance, to ride horses during seven years and I do many ski and snowboard, if I have the time!
I have the baccalaureat marketing, after I passed a school attendence certificate of cook during one year and I will love to do know you and your children the frensh cook.
I haven't the driving licence, I fail it because of a stupid error, in France it's very difficult to have the driving licence but I like drive, I'm careful and I would like to take it quickly my arrival in the U.S.A. After my return in France, I want to do a distenction host of hotel for take care of people and have many responsabilities. In this job it's very better to know speak english and the better awy for become bilingual it's to live in a country of english language. What's more I adore children, look them enjoy and to be happy give the smile.
I took care of Liam, a little boy who is three years old during four month. With him I played with plastic heros, he loves Superman and Ninja Turtles. Now I take care of Lila six years old, Anna eight years old and Marius ten years old. Girls loves singing and plays with dolls so Marius games to video game, it was a bit difficult for game with everybody, but fortunately there are boards games! It's amusing and educational. I'm going to fetch them after school, I help them for the homework and we play to the games, until six o'clock because after I'm going to work in the restaurant. It's very tiring but I love so much this little monsters. Sometimes I keep them in the evening for to be helpful, if I don't work of course!
Whatever I love with children it's to see them grow and laugh for nothing just because they are happy, discover the life which surround them. I want protect them for they keep their innocence. I think it's very important that a child grow at his rhythm, take the time to learn the world, the good, the bad and the respect. I want help your children to grow in the joy and the dream of childhood, to change in their hobbies.

I hope this letter help you to know me. I would like so much to divide good moments with your family and live an exceptional year.
I wait with impatience of your news. Thank you for reading.

Best regards


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct (erreurs mais très compréhensible).

Points positifs
- Elle aborde un peu tous les domaines (famille, projets, motivations, loisirs,….)

Points à améliorer
- « 20 years old, already! » : donne le sentiment qu’elle se sent très jeune, peut-être pas assez mature.
- Inutile de lister les durées de chaque voyage (« quelques semaines dans tels pays » est suffisant, gardez vos lignes pour ce qui intéressera vraiment la famille : vous connaître!).
- Attention à ne pas laisser « baccalauréat » sans expliquer. Concernant les études, on ne comprend pas bien ce qu’elle fait actuellement.
- Attention à l’utilisation du dictionnaire, on peut voir que le dictionnaire n’a pas été utilisé à bon escient. « to game »?… ou encore « fetch them at school » (sachant que to fetch, c’est lancer une balle à un chien par exemple Wink), ou même « to divide moments ».
- Chaque point pourrait être encore un petit peu détaillé.
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Bel Charles
:: NAPP ::
Bel Charles

Masculin Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 37
Dates de mon séjour : 25 aout 08 to 09
Ville, ETAT : pres de Philadelphie NJ
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Lettre au pair conforme?....vos avis?   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Mar 2008, 8:35 pm

bonjour voila je vous colle ma lettre de 700 mot es qu'elle ira? dit moi ce que vous en pensser:

Dear future family au pair,

Finally, the long-awaited moment to introduce myself to you is probably the most important step, so that you have an overview of me fast and accurate as you can make my knowledge and imagine in your family . I hope it will allow me to better target families with whom I would be likely to be in harmony, I will try to be as objective as possible, and thus to describe me accurately!

I named Charles, I have 20 years, I just Lyon, which is situated in the south east of France, beautiful city that I advise you also to visit a day… Having a certain philosophy of life I differentiates many other young people my age. Through various and varied experiences, I was able m'épanouir and thus have a greater openness. Jeune homme au pair for me is a melting pot, this new experience will allow me to learn a language, to know a culture different from mine, but especially to me in a new family.

As far as my experiences with the kids, I had the opportunity to have experiences of childcare different, but one that has been most rewarding was no doubt in my training at Club Med . I had the task of teaching the circus arts to children aged 4 to 17 years, coming from different countries and also open them to the much more dangerous activity that is the Flying Trapeze. This experiment requires great teaching and a lot of availability. I learned to have confidence in myself and keep my self-control in contexts not always obvious! I also had to keep several days, two little boys of 5 and 8 years old whose parents absent for a trip abroad. Recently I hosted a birthday composed of a small group of 10 girls aged 8 years for them it was a very pleasant.
As far as my personality I am a young man's modern, dynamic and sports, I love fashion and I also tend to be a victim sometimes, I like to travel to meet people from horizon different, I like to explore and cultivate me through the reading in my quiet moments, but I love museums, but I think the united states this will not be a problem!

I greatly appreciate the sport and it gives me a way to maintain a certain lifestyle and a balance that is important for me that's why I like to have a family dynamic and sports to share some sports, I have so far practiced various sports competitions such as skiing, waterskiing, weakboard, athletics, gymnastics competition, the Flying Trapeze…

I love psychology. Observe human beings in various situations fascinates me! I am someone who is recovering much in question, constant mood, I am calm, but I know release of energy at the right time! I also have a great attraction for film and Technology, I would like to be able to combine the two and thereby exert trades audio-visual, but everything in its time!

I had to write you a letter containing a 600 words, but it goes without saying that I am not going to count them one by one because it is not the length of this letter but its content. I hope this letter will enable you to get an idea of the real me, which is why one member of my family translated into English in a way that is more authentic.

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct (erreurs mais très compréhensible).

Points positifs
- Il se décrit bien, ce qui permet de bien le cerner.

Points à améliorer
- Dear future family au pair : attention, ça ne se dit pas.
- Attention au début de lettre « enfin le moment de…. », on s’attend à trouver un « le moment est venu », mais cela n’arrive pas! Erreur de formulation.
- Attention, il reste des mots de français dans la lettre! (ne pas écrire la lettre en français dans un premier temps, cela donne une traduction littérale qui ne convient pas toujours!).
- Parler d’une activité « dangereuse » peut faire peur, l’introduire d’une manière différente serait plus appropriée, dire qu’elle peut être dangereuse par exemple, ce qui explique l’attention et les capacités qu’il doit avoir.
- Il ne décrit pas assez ses expériences de baby-sitting, il cite une expérience de baby-sitting sans dire ce qu’il a fait avec les enfants et passe directement de nouveau à une autre expérience avec plusieurs enfants. De façon générale, la rubrique avec les enfants peut être plus développée.
- Etre une victime, ne pas oublier de préciser « fashion victim », Wink
- On ne sait pas du tout ce qu’il fait : études, job?
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 39
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Futur Au Pair avec STS à NY
Dates de mon séjour : départ 18 aout
Ville, ETAT : Atlantic Beach-NY
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 28 Mar 2008, 5:44 pm

Coucou tout le monde, je mets à mon tour ma lettre, jsp qu'elle ira!!
bonne chance à toutes!! flower

Dear host Family,

First at all, I woud like to present me. My name is Alice, I am 20 years old and I live in Toulouse in the South of France which is nicknamed " La ville rose". I live with my mother, my 17 years-old brother Julien and my 9 years-old sister Coraline. My parents are separeted but I see my father regularly. They support me in my choice to become au AuPair in United-States because they know that I really want to live this experience and they think that it will be good for me. I have good relationship with my family even if there are a few arguments like in all family I think but I love my family! I share a lot of things with them.
I am currently at the University where I study English because I like much this language and I need to improve it.
When I have free time, I like to read, to be with my friends, to go to the cinema or to go for a walk. I enjoy ballroom dance so I have done rock'n'roll for 2 years. Thus, I like the plastic arts that I have studied for 2 years, and the photography espacially in black and white.

Now the most important... my experience with children. Since October, I have looked after a 3 years-old little girl Jessica, 3 or 4 times per week between 3 and 5 hours per day. When we are together, we play, I prepare her meal, I help her to take her bath and I go to put her to bed after I read a little story. Together, we do a lot of things. I am used to do manual activities with her (painting, drawing, collage...) For example, we made a handprint in clay. It was very funny. Then, I like to cook (simple things ) with her like fruit salad. She likes very much and ask me often " We do a fruit salad Alice?" or " I can help you to prepare the meal? "
She is really cute!
Thus, sometimes, we go to give some bread to ducks and we play at the playground because near of her home there are a lake and a playground. She likes much. She is very please when ducks took her bread!
Then, I have looked after Emilie since she was a baby, espacially during school holidays. She is a 7 years -old little girl now. I did a lot af things with her as well. For exemple, we went at the beach and I learned her to do bike, she was very happy and me too! Moreover, I help her with her holidays homework.
I like to introduce them to new things while playing, to share moments like that with children.
I have looked after several children occasionally too: a 1 years-old baby, Valentin, a 2 years old little girl Noémie, a 4 years-old little boy Dominique ...
I have experience as well thanks to my little sister. I have taken care of her since she was a baby, I learned to change diapers, to give and prepare a bottle ... and to became more mature.
The next year I had a certificate which permits to work in a leisure centre ("BAFA" in french) so I work with a group of children between 6 and 10 years old. It was very interesting and the same year, I got the AFPS (certificate of first aid) and my driver’s licence.

I have always been attracted by the United-States and I think the AuPair programm would be a great experience for me. I like to dicover new places and I really would like to share your culture, your American life and to take care of your children. I am very motivate and I think to be a mature person which is consciousness, gently and dynamic. So I hope that my profil will interest you and that I would find a nice American family with which I could spend a merveillous year. I am really impatient and exciting to meet you!

Yours faithfully,

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Elle décrit de façon détaillée ce qu’elle fait avec les enfants qu’elle a gardé et agrémente cela d’anecdotes.
- Elle cite des expériences plus occasionnelles sans entrer dans les détails, ainsi elle détaille bien certaines expériences qu’elle rend vivantes par des détails et anecdotes et enrichit son expérience en montrant qu’en plus de ça, elle a eu d’autres expériences occasionnelles.

Points à améliorer
- « la ville rose » pourrait être traduite avec une petite explication.
- Elle parle de ses études mais pas de ses éventuels projets.
- Comme elle cite la petite fille qu’elle garde, on s’attend à une anecdote rigolote mais ce n’est pas le cas.
- Elle dit garder Emilie depuis sa naissance, or cette petite fille a 7 ans et elle ne parle presque pas de cette expérience.
- Penser à mettre en avant ce que le job en centre aéré vous apporte : créativité, imagination, gérer plusieurs enfants…
- Elle pourrait développer un peu plus son caractère et ses loisirs afin de mieux la connaître.
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 36
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Actuelle au pair
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mar 2008, 7:17 pm

Bon ben voila, a mon tour de laisser ma lettre, j'espère qu'elle est pas trop mauvaise, dites moi ce que vous en pensez svp ...

Dear host family,

First I can say I'm so exited to come to the United States, that's the reason why I'm so happy to write this letter for you. I also hope to show you who I am.

My name is Pauline, I'm 20 and I live in La Forêt du Parc, a little village in Normandy, France. It's next to Evreux where I study. I live with my parents, my dad: Alain, and my mother: Agnès. Also, I have a sister: Gaëlle, 23, who lives in Nice, where she is doing her last year of studies to become a neuropsychologist. And I have a dog : Jules and a cat : Saphir.
The relationship between my family and me has always been good, and they agree with my decision and think it will be a good experience for me.

In my daily life, I like reading thriller books mainly. I enjoy photography which I do regularly and some sports. This year, I'm trying aerobics, but I have already tried handball and horseback riding. I like to go to the cinema, travel with my friends, do visits, like all students.
About my studies, I'm currently in my second year at Evreux business college for a two year degree in marketing and sales. When I come back to france, I would like to continue my business studies. That's why I want to improve my English and my fluency, moreover I love this language and everything around it.

I have chosen to go as an au pair because after several experiences with children, I decided to become a certified camp councelor for a summer job for example because I love be and work with children, but also for my personnal skills too. Being an au pair will enable me to improve my knowledge in English, share an english family's daily life, while taking care of children.
I will discover a part of everyday life in the USA.

About my experience with children, I have worked in a day nursery for two weeks (70hrs in 2005) with children from 2 months -3 years old. I have prepared activities wich aim to socialisation and autonomy of children and I took care about their weelbeing. In a summer day camp one month (200hrs) with children who were 3-5 years old (in 2007).In the summer day camp I played with children, prepared activities (sports, arts and crafts),I was responsible for nap time, lunch and making sure the children got on well. and I have looked after my cousins (8-11 years old) several times during weekends or evenings. I played with them : parlour games, outside games, take them to the cinema, do cooking like cakes because they love that so much and I looked after their hygiene.

In addition to my camp councelor certificate (BAFA), I also have first aid certification (AFPS).

I think I am sufficiently mature to leave France and adjust to a different way of living and different language. I adapt easily because since my youth, I have did much vacation wich teaches us how to adapt. I am responsible and serious. Because I like invest me in what I do. Moreover I am dynamic

I hope that this letter had enable you to know a bit of who I am, and I'm very impatient to know you, your children and to be a kind of older sister for them!

Yours Sincerly,


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Bonne introduction.

Points à améliorer
- Attention à la formulation, elle parle d’un centre de vacances sans mettre de verbe dans sa phrase, puis reprend « dans ce centre de vacances… ».
- La partie avec les enfants est trop courte : trop peu détaillée.
- Elle devrait un peu plus détailler certaines choses pour montrer vraiment qui elle est.
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 57
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Au pair
Dates de mon séjour : 25 août !!
Ville, ETAT : Rochester, NY
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Ma lettre   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 03 Avr 2008, 2:55 pm

Voila ma lettre, Pouvez vous me dire ce que vous en pensez ? MERCI !!!!

Dear family,

My name is Hélène and I am 19 years old. I was born in Paris on July, 18th in 1988. Since 1990, I live in ***, a small city near Rennes in Brittany: a beautiful region in the west. I am French and Swiss: my father’s family is Swiss. I have my high school degree specialized in marketing since 2006. Actually, I’m in two degree level in Firm Communication and I study a lot of things like economy, marketing, advertising…It’s really interesting and enriching. Since September 2006, I work in a bakery everything the weekend. It’s a job of student.

I live with my parents in a house. My father, ***, is a *** and my mother, ***, is a *** in a big company. I have a 26 years old brother named *** who is a night auditor in a hotel in Switzerland. We have a cat called Gribouille. My family is a closer family. My relationship with my parents is very good. It’s a trust relation. They know that I am a serious person. Moreover all my family support me in my project to go to the U.S.A as an Au Pair, they are really understanding because they know that I love taking care of children, travel and they understand that I want to ameliorate my English. They think it will be a good experience for me.

Some years ago, I have play 5 years of music theory and two years piano. I practised during 11 years the modern dance and during 2 years the badminton and since 2005 I practice aerobics. I like the sport it’s important for the shape and the health. I like travelling. I left three times three weeks for language study holiday in Ireland (more particularly Dublin and Cork). I travelled with my family in Switzerland, Italy, Morocco, the Antilles Islands, the Canarian Islands, Spain, England and with my friends in Spain and Tunisia. During 12 years, I went the summer with my family to the mountain (the Alps, the Pyrenees) to go hiking. And during 10 years, I went to skiing in the Alps with my family. I like very much the snow and the skiing. And I like very much the sea also. I live at 45 minutes of the sea. It is very simple for me to go to the sea. And it’s great because I like swimming in the sea but also in the swimming pool.
In my free-time, I like listen to music and watching television for example I like watching Desperate Housewives. It’s my favourite series ! I like go to the cinema and dance with my friends. I like shopping and go to the theme park.

I have also several experiences with children. Since 2004, I do babysitting in the same family there are 3 children: *** (9 years old), *** (7 years old) and *** (5 years old). I am going to look for them to the school, I play with them, I help in the homework, I prepare them the meal... I like very much these 3 children because I see them growing for 4 years.
I actually do babysitting with a baby: ***. It’s a lovely baby. He is ten months. I take charge of him of the whole days: preparation of the feeding-bottle, the change of nappies, to wash him, to play with him and to give him some affection.
Sometimes, I do babysitting with a little girl: ***. He is two years old. I take charge of it in the evening: I give her to eat, play with her…. I like very much ***, she is very funny !

Go to the U.S.A it’s my dream. I love travel but I never go in America. That’s why I choose United States to be an au pair. One of the reasons I would like to spend one year in the U.S.A is to perfect my English and discover a new country. I really want to live in an American family in order to live like them. United States are for me an attractive country with a lot of things to discover, to learn…So I am very excited to see you!!!

I am a dynamic and serious person. You can have confidence in me. I am creative and responsible. I like very much the children and pass of time with them. I don’t smoke and I have my driver’s license.

At the end of the program, I think I will speak English fluently and it’s an advantage for my future. I would like to continue my studies in marketing.

I think that we will spend one excellent year together and that it will be very beneficial for me. I am in a hurry to meet you, to take care of your children and to discover your country. I just want to realize my dream with you!

Best regards


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct (erreurs mais très compréhensible).

Points positifs
- Elle aborde tous les domaines, en décrivant ce qu’elle faisait durant son baby-sitting.

Points à améliorer
- Tous les domaines sont abordés mais aucun n’est vraiment approfondi.
- Le paragraphe sur les enfants est trop court.
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 385
Age : 39
Activité actuelle : Testing beers in Ireland :)
Dates de mon séjour : Août 2008-Août 2009
Janvier 2012-Janvier 2013

Ville, ETAT : Tours(37) / Wellesley, MA / Bethesda, MD
Localisation : Irlande
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 04 Avr 2008, 10:29 pm

Voici ma lettre, désolé encore pour els fautes de grammaire Embarassed

Dear host family,

Firstly, my name is Claire and I'm 22 years old. I live in France, in the city of Tours, it's a niceplace, with castle, in the West of France. My parents are separated and I live with my father who is technician because his home is the nearest of my school. I see often my mother, my brother and sister, I have a good relationship with them! At the moment, I'm studying the instrumental optical and I'm preparing my Advanced Vocational training certificate for June. While 2 years, I have studied photography and after I have come High school for study the optical. I did a synchronized swimming and then I like to swim.
I like travel and I try to do it. When I was 18 and 19, I travelled in Scotland and Germany and during one week and recently I have travelled in Ireland (I like this country), I have had lessons english during 2 weeks. I would lile to go in Korea and Japan too.

When I have a free time, I like to watch movies and series korea, and japanese, to go out with my friends for to go at the bowling or to watch a film.

After, the main children. I took care of one boy who was 7 years old, in 2005, during one or two hours per week during 2 months. I did a lot activies with him, as for exemple to draw or to play with little cars. Next I took care of three children, Alexandra 13 years old, Marie-Claire 11 years old and Antoine 7 years old. I looked after them the evenning and saturday, The evenning I prepared the dinner, I help them for homeworks, and after we have played or have watched television. With the older, I spoke a lot because she's a teenager and she need that, with Marie-Claire and Antoine, I play with them at video games so we have a very good relationships. Ant the saturday, time of time, I have gone at the karate, and we have always made cakes, besides I remember, when we have made cake, Antoine have brought down a floor and he has been all white and after ten minutes, I have been all white of course! That day has been very and really funny! And I took carof too Charlotte who is 4 years during my vacations when her parents went in vacations for skiing.

I have decided to become an au pair in USA, because I like children and I have a good relationship with them. I' ll live in family and that'll allow me to learn your lifestyle and your traditions, above all to create links with the family and I like really this idea. I have waited to become an au pair, and now I’m more mature, more responsible and dependant and above all , I have more experience with children and I ‘m happy of that. And I would like to travel in USA to discover this country because I like much USA.

I hope this letter please you, and that is you accept me in your family and I will do my best to take care of yours children

Best regards,

édit : Bonne lettre. Erreurs mais compréhensible.

Points positifs
- Elle raconte une anecdote sympa concernant son expérience avec les enfants.
- Elle décrit bien ses motivations.

Points à améliorer
- Elle pourrait décrire davantage ses loisirs et surtout parler de son caractère. .
- Le paragraphe avec les enfants devrait être allongé (description plus détaillée).
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 96
Age : 41
Activité actuelle : EX Au pair en Arizona
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 06 Avr 2008, 10:03 pm

Bon voila je vous post la mienne, j'attends vos avis :)


Dear Host Family,

My name is Aurélie , I am 25 years old. I live in France, in Ivry sur seine, near Paris.
My parents are separated. My dad, Gérard, is a sales manager, he lives with my step mother Simone in Alsace. My mom, Isabelle, is a nurse, she lives with my step father Inaki near Paris in a town named Sainte geneviéve des Bois.
I’m also very close to my grand mother, Micheline, It’s like my second mom, I spend a lot of time with her, she’s really important for me.
I have three sisters and one brother: Fanny (31 years old), Elise (28 years old), Leila (19 years old) ans Mateo (7 years old).
Since three years, I live on my own because of my studies, but I saw my family every time it’s possible. I’ve grown up with all my family around me, I am really close to them.
My family and I have goods relations, and they support me in my decision to go to the United States. They think it will be a good experience for me, because they know how much i love to take care of children and travel.

I have had my High school diploma specialized in literature “ Baccalaureat” in 2001. Juste after high school, I’ve been to university in order to learn Law for three years. In 2004 I have intergrate a private school of management for 2 years. And after that I’ve choosen to do one year of arts, more precisely in interior decorating.
Thanks to my step father, since I have 10 years old I speak spanish fluently, and i can that it helped me to develop a love for the language. From that time, I’ve learned Spanish, english and italian.

I don’t have my driver’s licence as I didn’t have the time to get it until now. I hope you won’t mind. However, I’m ready to get it in United States.

I choose the au pair’s program because I love to be with children. Children are very important for me and I am enjoying taking care of them. I like to play with them, draw, play outside, do manual activities. I really feel good and comfortable when they are around because they are spontaneous, creative and sensitive.

Moreover, I’m interesting in the United States since a long time. I think it’s a big country with many things to discover. Living in an american family is the best way to learn more about the american culture, the customs and the language.

After this year in United States, I think I will speak English fluently and so I will find a job easily. I would like to find a job where I can take care of children and also use English, for example in a International School. However, I’m also interested to work in tourism or to be an translator.

I also have several experiences with children.
I started taking care of children with my little brother Mateo. I think it’s the best childcare experience that somebody can have. I take care of him since he is a baby. He is a very active boy who is always doing something. Until I leave home for my studies, I very often care for him and we try to do various activities together like sports, manual activities, cakes ... I took him at the end of his school day as often as I can and I also supervised him while he was doing his homework and I helped him when this is necessary.
For one month, in august 2001, I worked as a babysitter. I took care of a little baby of 9 months, Raphael. I could and I knew look after a little baby because my brother mateo was born the same month as Raphael. I have learnt with them how to change diapers, prepare a bottle, bathing and feeding a baby. I took care of him during all the day. On mornings , we were staying at home, because of his nap. When he woke up, we were playing together. On afternoons after the lunch he took another nap, and the we played or went outside since his parents arrived.
During my 2001/2002 school year, I’ve helped two children who were in primary school to do their homework two times per week. It was not like taking care of children but it was also interessting because I was trying to make them learn their lessons and it was a real satisfaction when they had goods results.
During the summer in 2004, for 2 months, I’ve been to Spain, in order to help my aunt to take care of two young girls: Souadu and Laissa, 8 years old. This two girls, were coming from the Sahara refugees camps. Every year, by means of an association, childrens of this camps comes in Spain for all summer in host families. I took care of them during all the day with my aunt. I prepared their breakfast and dressed them, then we did manual activities, played or went to the swimming pool before the launch. After the lunch they took a little nap, and then we played outside or went to the swimming pool. We also went to museums, theme park, movies, town...That was a wonderful experience for many reasons, firstly because of the language barrier, they were not speaking spanish and secondly for the cultural exchange.
Since septembre 2005 to august 2007, I took care of a boy, Mathieu. He was two years old when I started to take care of him, and four years old when I stoped. I was in charge of picking him up from school, playing with him (drowings, modelling clay, painting, puzzles...), making him having his bath, preparing his diner, reading him a story and put him to bed on mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and Fridays except during the holidays. From time to time, I took care of him on Wednesdays afternoons, and I was in charge of pick him at his soccer pratice.
For one month, in august 2006, I worked as a babysitter. I took care of a little baby of 11 months, Noah. On mornings , we were staying at home, because of his nap. When he woke up, we were playing together. On afternoons after the lunch he took another nap, and then we played or went outside (park, slide, walk in pushchair in town...) since his parents arrived. Sometimes, I was in charge to making him having his bath. From that time, I sometimes baby-sit him on saturdays evening when his parents are going out and also on wednesdays afternoons on which ones I was in charge of pick him at his gym class. Since february, when I baby-sit Noah, I also Baby-sit his little sister Lila two month, born in february. They are both really cute and calm.
During one month, in august 2007, I worked as a babysitter. I took care of a little baby girl of 8 months, Shana. Like with Raphael and Noah, I took care of her during all the day. On mornings , we were staying at home, because of his nap. When she woke up, we were playing together. On afternoons after the lunch he took another nap, and the we played or went outside since one of her parents arrived. Occasionally, I baby-sit her on evenings.
It's awsome to see them growing up. They make advances so fast. I saw their first steps and first words. It’s so amazing.
For one year, from september 2006 to august 2007, I worked in a secondary school as an education assistant. I was in charge of the childrens when they were not in class. I was supervising them in the lunchroom and in the schoolyard, and during their permanence time. I also have to helped them with their homework, and I was in charge of a twelve years old class. I helped them if they had difficulties in some subjects. Sometimes, I was also an accompanying adult on school outings.
I love children because they are full of energy, of ideas, of imagination, of curiosity. We learn a lot to be with them. I’d like to teach them many things and maybe teach them a bit of French. I’ve always had good relation with children. I’m a kind of big sister, lovely, with who they have some goods moments while respecting and listening to her.
I also liked to listen to them, I hope I helped them in their lives, and gave them some happiness.

Now about me, I am dynamic, serious, mature, open minded, independent , fun and responsible. I love to have fun but I can assume responsabilities too.
One of my good friends says about me: “She's a good friend, a good ear if we are in trouble. She's patient and like to take care of people she loves. If she has a goal, she will do everything she can to reach it. It's very brave to let behind all her family and friends.”
I like hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, listening to music and going to concerts, having a coffee with my friends, go to theme park, spending time on internet, shopping and I’m a huge fan of series.
I like arts. I like everything: painting (Goya,Andy Warhol, Da Vinci, René Magritte, Raphael…), drama (I’ve done theater for 4 years), music and architecture (Matta clark, Gaudi...).
I like to travel, to visit and discover others countries. Since I have 10 years old, I go to spain every year. I’ve been twice in England with school and to NYC once in 1999 for two weeks in a friend family, it’s was amazing. I’ve also been to belgium to visit some friends.

I hope you enjoyed my letter and I am in a hurry to meet you, to take care of your children and to discover your country.

I hope to see you soon,
Best regards


édit : Bonne lettre mais beaucoup trop longue! Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Elle parle de l’importance de la famille pour elle.
- Elle explique ce que lui apporte la présence des enfants.
- Elle détaille toutes ses expériences (trop?).

Points à améliorer
- Il faut vraiment réduire la longueur, cela décourage les familles qui n’en lisent pas qu’une seule et lisent également tout le dossier! Beaucoup de répétitions. Ce qui pourrait être supprimé :
* la ville où habite sa maman (région parisienne est suffisant).
* les répétitions du style « nous sommes proches dans ma famille » puis « nous nous entendons bien » : l’idée est la même!
* Comme elle a fait du chemin depuis son bac, il est inutile d’en parler, il ne s’agit pas d’un CV.
* Des petits détails comme « je le supervise pour ses devoirs et l’aide s’il a besoin » : inutile de le préciser, superviser les devoirs veut bien sûr dire qu’on l’aide au besoin.
* « On mornings , we were staying at home, because of his nap. » : inutile de le dire, cela n’a pas d’intérêt de dire qu’on a attendu que l’enfant fasse sa sieste, ce sont les activités qui sont importantes!
* phrases à reformuler pour les raccourcir.
* Trop de détails dans la description de ce qu’elle faisait, elle décrit toute la journée avec les enfants dans les moindres détails : avant la sieste, ensuite la sieste, le repas, de nouveau une sieste, puis des activités… c’est barbant à lire, des anecdotes rendent plus vivantes ces expériences que le détail des journées!
* « put him to bed on mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and Fridays » : inutile de préciser cela!
à Au final, énormément de choses pourraient être supprimées et cela est primordial car les gens sont vraiment découragés pour lire cette lettre (commentaires des membres sur le forum, et probablement des familles si la lettre est envoyée ainsi).

Dernière édition par Lilou le Lun 07 Avr 2008, 11:41 am, édité 1 fois
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:: au pair dans un futur lointain ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 59
Age : 35
Activité actuelle : étudiante en L1 LEA anglais/espagnol
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Avr 2008, 8:08 pm

voila la lettre... est ce que vous pouvez me dire honnetement ce que vous en pensez ? merci d'avance !:)

Dear host family,

My name is Jill . I’m a nearly 19 years-old girl, living in France in a little country called Rittershoffen . I live in alsace, next to germany. I live with my family, which is composed of many people : my mother (Marie-Laure) , a step father (Didier), one step sister (Véronique, 22) and two step brothers (Vincent, 20 and Jo, 11). We all are very close, we often help each other. They support me in my decision to go to America, they know that’s my dream !

I speak quite well two languages : Spanish and English. I’ve learn spanish at scool, and I can speak it quite fluently . I’ve learn english with my mother when I was a child. The latter speaks american english vey well, so I’ve got some practise : I can understand easily a conversation and we otfen speak english together. I speak a little german too, but not as well as english or spanish.

When I’ve got free time, I like to go out with friend, go to the cinema, go to the bowling, to the shopping, to swim, … I enjoy doing archery too : I made some in high school, and with my step father at home, in my garden.I love spending time in themes parks, with my family or with friends. When I don’t know what to do, I spend time with my little brother, I play with him, I watch movies, and I go often cycling. Finally, I enjoy going in internet, to be with my friends, or watching tv.
I like animals too : I’ve grow up with a dog, a german sheppard, called Igor, but he died three years ago . Now, I’ve a cat called Lola. I can take care of them too ! I love to play with them, they are very kind and smart.

Moreover, I can do clean the house too. I live in a big family, that’s why everybody has to take part in the housework. Here too, I can do everything : do the washing- up, hoovering, ironing, …
I’ve chosen this program because I love children, and moreover, I love America ! It’s my dream to go there ! Discovering a new culture , another country,… I love to travel, and to see differents way of lives . To my mind, it’s very interesting.

I have an experience with children too : as I said before, I’ve got a little brother, and I take care of him since I’m 8. Moreover, I took care of my cousins too, I’ve got 4 little cousins. They are all under the age of 6, and I see them grow up since they are born. Finally, I’ve take care of friend’s children of my parents. They know me, they trust me. They know that I can do everything with the children : I can help them for their homeworks, wash them, play with them, feed them, … I can cook quite well too !

This is the main idea : I can easily be trust for the children : I know them, I know their behaviour and their reactions. I could help any child in any situation, and I think I could be a very useful Au-Pair girl.
I’m a patient, mature, responsible, respectful and kind person. I’m a very open-minded girl, and a lot of my friends and family says that I’ve a big sence of humour, that I’m a good adviser and a good listener. I’ve always lived with strong notions of family links, I know it’s very important in our lives.

When I come back in France, I would like to go to the university. During this year as an au-pair girl, I will improve my english so much, that I’m pretty sure to manage to get my universitity diploma. I would like to go in LEA, which means « langues etrangères appliquées » (=forein languages), with two languages (english and spanish), and there is a little of economy, maths, … I don’t know exactly the purpose of going in university, but if I’m good enough, I would like to be a teacher.

Finally, I would like you to know that America is my the destination of my dreams. As I said it before, my mother has been there many times, and since I’m a child, I want to go there . Last year, I was in high scool, I’ve study America in history. I know quite well the american history, and their way of life. More than study it, I want to live it ! I want to know eveything about the american way of life !Going in america it’s a dream that come true !

I’m looking forward an answer !


ps : on regarde pas les fautes et mon niveau d'anglais hein Wink merciii

édit : Bonne lettre à compléter. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle explique bien ses loisirs.
- Elle parle de ses animaux, montrant bien qu’elle est tout à fait prête à vivre dans une maison avec des animaux.

Points à améliorer
- Attention quand on dit que l’on est prête à faire le ménage, le dire c’est une bonne chose. Ici, elle insiste fortement, ce qui peut attirer les familles qui auraient tendance à abuser de la gentillesse des au pairs dans ce domaine. Il serait plutôt conseillé d’en parler quand on parle de la famille, de dire que tout le monde donne un coup de main par exemple.
- Le paragraphe sur les enfants est beaucoup trop court : elle ne donne aucun prénom, aucun âge, aucun détail sur les activités, aucune anecdote. Plutôt que dire qu’on est quelqu’un de confiance avec les enfants, qu’on les connaît, il vaut mieux le prouver par des exemples « vivants » qui montrent que l’on a réellement l’expérience dont on parle.
- Inutile de préciser ce que veut dire LEA en français, expliquer directement en anglais à quoi cela correspond.

à La lettre a été modifiée et elle l’a posté de nouveau (cf. post après Lucie).
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 410
Age : 34
Activité actuelle : au pair
Dates de mon séjour : août 2008!!!
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Avr 2008, 12:01 pm

Je sais que j'ai fait plein de fautes, si c'est pas compréhensible, dites le moi, je corigerai!
merci Wink

Dear host family,

My name is Lucie, I am 18 and I live in France, in Saint-Etienne (near Lyon). I was born in Saint-Priest-en-Jarez (little town near Saint-Etienne) in May, the eleventh, in 1990.
At the present time, I am a student in a high school, to prepare my "baccalauréat" (it is the final exam in French high schools, our high school diploma) applied in Communication and Management of Human Resources.
My father, Guy, is a mechanical technician in a mechanical research company, my mother, Geneviève, is a nursing auxiliary in a old people's home and my elder sister , Gaëlle, studies the environment biology and sciences in a vocational higher education college. My family and I have very good relationships. They support me in my decision to live this experience.
I have no pets but they don't disturb me, it will be not a problem, on the contrary, I love them!

I love children, they are my first motivation for this year. They are very important to my eyes because they represent all the innocence which we have lost in growing up and whose we have always needed. I love spending my time with them, going outside (to the parc for exemple), making drawings, doing manual activities such as “pâte à sel” (children love this), etc.! We have a lot of fun together!
I have had several experiences with children.
First, for now 2 years, I took care of three lovely girls Faustine, Anouck and Alix. When I start to take care of them, Faustine was 18 months, Anouck was 5 and Alix was 7. As I live to ten minutes to walk of their house, their mother often contact me when she has an appointment with the doctor, when she needs me to pick up the girls from school and take care of them ( I help Alix and Anouck with their homeworks and then we play with Faustine too) until her husband come back from his job, or when she wants to be out with her husband in the evening. In that last case, I prepare their dinner, we play for un moment or we watch the TV (the girls love to watch Disney animations movies!!!), I help them with the bath, especially Faustine who is too young to do it by herself and finally, I put them to bed after a story that I read to them. My relationships with their parents based on trust, friendship and fun too! I really miss them when I will be with you!
I have a diploma called BAFA. It allows me to work with children in camps or in day care centers (i.e. professional establishments) as a leader.
For three weeks, I worked in a day care center from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm!!! Children were between 3 to 14. The first week, they were 60 children including 30 who were between 3 to 6! It was an incredible week! The second, they were 40 and the last 30. Every day we had different activities. Once a week, children sleeped in the center so it was like a camp, I was responsible for meals preparation, showers time, and bed time. It was a great experience!
Finally, I worked for two weeks in a creche. Children were between 7 months to 3 years old. I supervised children at play and swimming (we went 3 twices to the swimming pool), I fed babies, I changed their diapers, I put them to bed, I was responsible for nape time, lunch and making sure the toddlers and the babies got on well. It was very nice, I learned a lot and thanks to this work, I know how to take care of young hildren.
All the next summer, before my departure to join you, I will take care of my little cousin, Théo, who is ten months.
I have also my First-Aid diploma.
I hope my relationships with my host family will be as good and strong as the relationships that I have with the children I take care of in France.

I choose the Au Pair program because of the cultural exchange and because I think it is for me, it is all that I search and that is to spend time with children, to meet people how the whole world, to discover the United States, to live with a typical american family, to learn more about american culture and traditions, to become fluent in English, tu study in an American college, to travel, well, to spend a unique human experience!

At the end of the program, I plan to start my studies again.
I wish to go to a vocational higher education college applied in Information and Communication to study Organizations Communication or Advertising. I don't know exactly what job I will do in this line of business and this year with you will allow me to think about this point.

I have been learning English for 8 years now and I love this language. I want to speak it perfectly. This is one of the reasons why I have chosen the United States, because it is an English speaking country. Besides, I have been dreaming of this country for a long time. The United States are just enormous! There, there are the most fascinating cities, the most beautiful landscapes, very strong regionalistic feelings, and never forget the people who are the most welcoming of the world.

About me, I love listening music and watching moovies and series on the TV. I also love surfing on the Internet.
I love going to the cinema, doing shopping, practicing sports like gymnastics or swimming with my friends. Besides, swimming is my favorite sport. I practiced it for many years in a sport club but I stopped. Now, I feel comfortable in water either in swimming pools or the sea. Nutrition and exercise are important to me, I think it is essential to live healthily.
I love traveling. I went to Spain and Irish during a school trip for one week each stay. Last year, I went to London with my parents and my sister for four days too.
I am dynamic, honest, patient, responsible, caring and happy of course!!! I can adapt me very fast.

You can be sure that I would be a great au pair, the best au pair you've never had!
I hope to find a family who corresponds to me and with who I could spend a unique year!
I am so excited to know you!

Best regards,


édit : Bonne lettre (un peu trop longue). Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Elle parle rapidement des enfants dans sa lettre.
- La lettre est très complète, elle aborde tous les domaines.

Points à améliorer
- La lettre est un peu trop longue, des petites choses peuvent être supprimées :
* la date de naissance
* regrouper certaines infos pour en faire des paragraphes plus organisés, en allant moins souvent à la ligne.
* certains détails comme les circonstances de garde (quand la maman veut sortir, ou ceci ou cela, jusqu’à ce que le papa rentre…) : détails qui n’intéressent pas les familles, ce qu’ils veulent savoir = ce que vous faites avec les enfants et si vous semblez y prendre du plaisir!
* le nombre d’enfants dans le centre aéré.
* les répétitions sur le fait qu’elle aime les USA.
à des petits détails qui permettent de respecter la taille demandée et de rendre la lecture plus facile aux familles.
- si le dossier est envoyé après l’obtention du diplôme, faire comme si vous avez déjà le bac.
- Penser à traduire « pâte à sel » qui ne sera pas compris par les familles!
- Penser à traduire « crèche ».
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:: au pair dans un futur lointain ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 59
Age : 35
Activité actuelle : étudiante en L1 LEA anglais/espagnol
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 27 Avr 2008, 10:31 pm

merci beaucoup ! je suis désolé, je dois rendre mon dossier le 5 mai au plus tard, je suis a fond concentrée dessus, alors je voulais vraiment avoir l'avis de quelqu'un d'autre. j'ai modifié un peu ma lettre, ce qui donne :

Dear host family,

My name is Jill. I’m a nearly 19 years-old girl, living in France in a little town called Rittershoffen . I live in Alsace, next to Germany. I live with my family, which is composed of many people : my mother (Marie-Laure) , a step father (Didier), one step sister (Véronique, 22) and two step brothers (Vincent, 20 and Jo, 11). We all are very close, we often help each other. They are suporting me in my decision to go to America, they know that’s my dream !

I speak two languages quite well: Spanish and English. I’ve learn Spanish at school, and I can speak it quite fluently . I’ve learn English with my mother when I was a child. The latter speaks American English very well, so I’ve got some practise : I can easily understand a conversation and we otfen speak English together. I understand a little German too, but not as well as English or Spanish.

When I’ve got free time, I like to go out with friends, go to the cinema, go bowling, shopping and swimming. I enjoy doing archery too : I did some in high school, and with my step father at home, in my garden.I love spending time in theme parks, with my family or with friends. When I don’t know what to do, I spend time with my little brother, I play with him, I watch movies, and I go often cycling. Finally, I enjoy going on internet, being with my friends, or watching TV.

I like animals too : I’ve grew up with a dog, a German sheppard, called Igor, but he died three years ago . Now, I’ve got a cat called Lola. I can take care of them too ! I love to play with them, they are very kind and smart.

I’ve chosen this program because I love children, and moreover, I love America ! It’s my dream to go there ! Discovering a new culture , another country,… I love to travel, and to see different way of life. To my mind, it’s very interesting.

I have experience with children too : as I said before, I’ve got a little brother (Jo, 11), and I have been taking care of him since I’m 8. Moreover, I took care of my cousins too, I’ve got 4 little cousins, called Ambre, Salomé, Adam and Antonin. They are all under the age of 6, and I have seen them grow up since they were born. Finally, I’ve taken care of friend’s of my parents children (for instance, Yoan, Jordan, Dylan, …) . Their parents know and trust me. They know that I can do everything with the children : I can help them for their homework, wash them, play with them, feed them, … Indeed, I can cook quite well too !
This is the main idea : I can easily be trusted with children : I know them, I know their behaviour and their reactions. I could help any child in any situation, and I think I could be a very useful Au-Pair girl.

I’m a patient, mature, responsible, respectful and kind person. I’m a very open-minded girl, and a lot of my friends and family say that I’ve a great sense of humour, that I’m a good adviser and a good listener. I’ve always lived with strong notions of family links, I know it’s very important in our lives.

When I come back in France, I would like to go to the university. During this year as an au-pair girl, I will improve my English so much, that I’m pretty sure to manage to get my universitity diploma. I would like to study in LEA, which means « langues etrangères appliquées » (=foreign languages), with two languages (English and Spanish. In fact, later, I would like to be a teacher.

Finally, I would like you to know that America is the destination of my dreams. As I said before, my mother has been there many times, and since I was a child, I have wanted to go there . Last year, I was in high school, and I studied America in history. I know the american history quite well , and their way of life. More than study it, I want to live it ! Going in america it’s dream come true !

I’m looking forward to an answer !
Best regards,

voila sinon je sais pas trop quoi dire sur les enfants en les garde a toutes les vacances scolaires (je suis encore en terminale), et il y a tellement de choses ! je sais tout faire avec eux alors j'sais pas quoi ajouter ...

merci encore :)

édit : Bonne lettre à compléter. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle explique bien ses loisirs.
- Elle parle de ses animaux, montrant bien qu’elle est tout à fait prête à vivre dans une maison avec des animaux.

Points à améliorer
- Elle a un peu amélioré la partie avec les enfants mais cela est toujours beaucoup trop juste, elle ne décrit rien de ses expériences, cela donne vraiment le sentiment qu’elle n’en a pas eu beaucoup.
- Inutile de préciser ce que veut dire LEA en français, expliquer directement en anglais à quoi cela correspond.
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 01 Mai 2008, 10:45 pm

voici ma lettre a moi dite moi ce qu'il faut que je change mais je sais qu'il doit y avoir pas mal de faute merci a vous

Dear host family

My name is Karine and I am 17 years old. I live in south of France in Roquefort La Bedoule next to Marseille. I am a student in my years of my graduation. Latter, I would like to be lawyer or work in the law. Next my year as au pair I want to go to the University of Law.
I live with my parents and I have two sisters and one brother. My brother is 15 years old and he studies in the high school. I have one sister who is 14 years old and one who is 3 years old. I have the good relations with my parents and my sisters and brother. My mother work in the pharmacy and my father is prison guard.

I have chosen the au pair program because I love USA; I want to progress in English and I love children. I have gone yet the USA and I discover beautiful area. I want to discover other and the culture. When I went to United States I have met some Americans and they are really friendly with French and I liked this. My family agrees with my decision and they support me.

At first when I was 15 years old, I have kept two girls during two week at the summer. They were seven, Manon, and four years old, Chloé. It was like if I was au pair during a little time because I slept in their house and when their parents went to their job I have kept the children. During this two week I have prepared the meal, I have given the baths for children, I have planed activities (for example: manual activities, painting, drawing, board games). I have had a good contact with the family and sometime they ask me to keep their children the weekend.
After, I have worked in the centre aere during three weeks. There were some children who were of three at ten year old. I began at eight am o’clock and finish at six pm o’clock. I proposed activities at kids. During one week I rested whit children who were of six at ten year old. We have worked on a theme of dogs for blind persons. With the more grand kids we have created a big paint of dogs and beautiful houses in relief. We have gone to the sortie at the camp where the persons rearing the dogs for blind persons. And the rest of the time we have done the games and hut in the forest. The other week, I was with the babies who were three at five years old. I helped them for the meal and I minded them for the siesta.
Finally, I have a little sister who is three years old. I keep her since she was born when my parents work. When she was a baby I prepared and gave her bottle, I changed her diapers, and bathed her. Sometime, during my free time, I go to the park with my sister and she loves this.
And, this summer I ‘m going work in the summer camps and a centre aéré during two month.
I have loved to keep the children and I would like really to do this again.

Now about me, I am dynamic, honesty, patiently, and I know listening the other. I am funny but I know when I must rest serious.
I began a sport nine years ago. This sport is the baton twirling. I have participated at the European championships in 2002 and 2007 in team category and at World championships in 2003 at Marseille in France, in 2006 at Edinburgh in Holland in team category. I have wan two times and I have arrived third the other times. I love really this sport and I like to look the American practice it. I have played at the tennis, swimming, gymnastic and dance when I was younger. I like go to the cinema, art and craft, go at the museum for learn new things, the sport, the party, music and film. I love travel and discover the new counties.
I have my BAFA a diploma French to can working with children in the summer camp and centre aéré.

I hope you will like my letter and I thank to read it. I try to be very sincere and I present at best.

I am eager to meet you.

Best regards

édit : Bonne lettre. Erreurs mais compréhensible.

Points positifs
- La lettre est complète, elle aborde tous les domaines.

Points à améliorer
- Penser à traduire « centre aéré » ou expliquer. Attention, il y a d’autres mots français dans la lettre (sortie…).
- Attention aux faux-amis! To rest = se reposer, donc « i rested with kids » = je me suis reposée avec les enfants! Wink
- Vers 3-5 ans, ce ne sont plus des bébés Wink
- Parler du BAFA au moment des expériences avec les enfants (quand elle parle des centres aérés).
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:: STS ::
:: STS ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 87
Age : 35
Dates de mon séjour : Départ 20 octobre 2008
Ville, ETAT : Tampa, Floride
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2006

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Juin 2008, 11:31 pm

ALors voila la mienne, j'ai besoin que vous me disiez sincerement les defauts, et surtout si elle n'est pas trop longue, MERCIIIII puis je sais pas comment on dis carriste en anglais vous savez le métier lol alors j'ai mis carrist sans E XD

Dear host family

My name is charlotte, I’m nearly 19, I'm French, I live in a little house in a town called Chalon sur Saône;
I live with my brother of 23 years old, Yann, who is a "carrist" and my parents, Sylvain who is a chef (cooker) and Martine who is a leader and nurse for old people. I love them so much. We got 2 dogs a bit crazy, and all of us are making a little funny and cool family.
I'm someone sensitive, funny, true, responsible. I'm spiteful, touchy; I'm maybe a little too much leader. I love people frank, cool, understanding and funny.
I love music, I really do, it’s really important for me. I sing all the time (I used to have a little band) I'm the biggest fan of Justin Timberlake, but Normally I listen more rock and pop music.
I love shopping , going out with my best buddies(my friend are one of the most important parts in my life),I love going to the cinema , partying all night long; but I love as well to be "relax" like chilling indoors watching DVDs and eating popcorn.
I like independence and liberty, that's why I love travelling all around the world. , it’s one of my passion, I used to live in London during 7 month as an au pair and I loved it. Since I’m a teenager I dream day and night of the United States, I’ve never been there, and I really can’t wait to see New York, and all these American things, to enjoy a totally new culture, to see you and the children. It’s a really exiting adventure!
I had my baccalaureate in July 2007 (my diploma of secondary school) now I’m working as a waitress to save some money. But after my experience with you I think I’m going to go to university to learn English I’d love to be a French teacher in a foreign country.
Presently I’m trying to have my driving licence I think I’m going to have my exam at the beginning of August.

I used to be an au pair in England since September 2007 until the end of March 2008.
I had 2 host families, in the first one I stayed 4 month, I was looking after 3 children. Junior, 4 years old, Esther 6 and Blessing 12 all of them were soooo cute and lovely! I’ve loved to take care of them; The morning I was giving a bath to Esther a Junior, get them dress up for school, after I was making breakfast, and after I brought them to school for 9am. After school I picked them up, bring them back indoors, I was making their lunch (it was 3 pm (English culture J )) I was helping them for their homework, after once Blessing came Back (around 5 pm ) She was eating and It was her turn for the homework. She was doing French which was a easy subject for me!
Anyway, after I was playing with them all, sometimes when the weather was good, we used to go to the library or the park and if it was raining we was playing indoors and if they was really good, I ordered A DVD with Popcorn! They loved it!
But the fact that they were several sister and brother, they used to play all together which is really good.
After when the parents were back, we used to eat all together and when it was bedtime I was getting them ready to go to bed (brush their teeth, put their pyjamas on ...) and I had my weekend free.
After I change of family in January, I was doing some babysitting for Louise a single mother of 30 years for her little monster of 4 years old, Louie in December and after I became their au pair since the 1st January. I stayed 3 month. Louie was really naughty when his mum was around, but we he had all the attention for himself and so when I was all alone with him he was nice! I was looking after him almost 4 nights per week, and every morning I had to wake him up , get him ready for nursery,(breakfast, brush his teeth, get him dress)and I was making his pack lunch.
And the week end when Louise was out and when the weather was good, Louie loved to go to the park , or we was doing some creative activity as painting, sculpting when the weather was bad, and finally we was really good artist!! I’ll never forget them I already came to see them one month ago while I was in London in holiday.
And my first experience in France as a babysitter was with my little love, Pauline, 5 years old now. She is the cutest girl I’ve ever take care of, I used to look after her after school, I was picking her up brought her back indoors, and we played together (we was tickling each other, playing hide and seek, at the “princess” it was really funny. After it was diner time, so we ate after I was giving her her bath and her mother was coming back after. When I got the time now I go and see her, I miss her so much, but now she got a nanny…

I can't wait to meet you and live my dream by your side.
Best regards,

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais correct.

Points positifs
- Bonne présentation de la famille.
- Bonne présentation d’elle-même : caractère (même avec un défaut cité) et loisirs.
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences avec les enfants : activités et parfois tempéraments.

Points à améliorer
- Situer la région en France, les Américains ne connaissent souvent que Paris.
- Attention, elle parle de rêves américains et de fêtes « all night long », avant même d’aborder la question des enfants.
- Elle décrit ses expériences ce qui est bien, mais elle donne parfois le sentiment de vouloir un peu se débarrasser de cette tâche en tant qu’au pair : DVD et hop! Les enfants jouent ensemble, donc hop! Wink… Ce n’est peut-être pas le cas, mais un exemple plus concret de ce qu’elle a aimé faire avec eux rendrait plus crédible le fait qu’elle ait aimé s’en occuper.
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:: Calvin Thomas ::
:: Calvin Thomas ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 338
Age : 37
Activité actuelle : Sportive de haut niveau et nounou
Dates de mon séjour : Octobre 2008
Ville, ETAT : Jersey City, New Jersey
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2007

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juin 2008, 8:59 pm

Premier jet de ma lettre. J'aimerais bien avoir vos j'ai oublié de parler de quoique ce soit dîtes-le moi ! [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 329497

Dear host family,

My name is Taninna Portebos and I'm 21 years old. I'm living with my parents in the suburbs of Paris in France. I'm unfortunately the only child ! I just have a half-sister who is much more older than me and who lives and works in New York since a long time. I have a chocolate labrador who's called Rumba. I love animals and especially dogs. I was not in luck to have a big family with brothers and sisters so I would love to live in a host family all around kids ! I really want to become a member of the family and to have a close relationship with everyone. It's a wonderful opportunity to have a culture exchange and to have so many good time all together... I'll do my best to enjoy your life and to make it easier !

To talk about myself I do ice-skating since I was 5 years old and I hope to pursue my passion in the future to reach to the Olympics one day. About my studies, I'm graduate from High School and after my au pair experience, I want to begin an english degree. I love this language and I would like to learn more about the American and English culture. I would love to go in a school of journalism in the future to become a sports journalist. Otherwise, I would love to work by the children in a nursery too. Last few years, I realized my interest to take care of them. I so much enjoyed to help these sweeties to grow up that I see myself with them even more time ! Anyway, I think that to be an au pair will be very useful for my future as much as about childcare as english language and as the discovery of a new culture.

About my childcare experience, I have worked in three different families. First of all, I took care of Nolwenn and Yaëlle (7 and 3 years old at the beginning) from September 2004 to June 2007. I picked them up to school in the afternoon, I took them to their activities, I gave them their snack, I helped the older with her homework, I played with them and I gave her bath to the little one. The wednesday, I took care of them all the day from 9am to 7pm. I took the neighbour's daughter Emilie (that I took care in the summer too) with us in the afternoons as she went to the same activity as my girls. I liked to care of these girls during three years, to see them grow up... We were very close and I had become the confident of the older.
Then, during the two last summers I took care of Mika and Emilie (2 and 3 years old). It was one of the neighbours to the other family. I picked up them in the afternoon and we played all the time until the parents was home.
Finally, I worked in a new family this year. I took off from school Alice 5 years old and then Victor 8 years old. Same programme : snack, homework, drop off to activity, time to play and bath time. I took care of them all the wednesday too. We made a lot of outing along the year. For example at the Christmas time, we went in Paris to see all the decorations in the Galeries Lafayette or in the Champs Elysées. We went to different events for kids to the famous Stade de France or to the Museum (Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie). We had many lovely time.
Everywhere I'm, I always go towards the kids. Even if I don't know them, I'm going to talk with them and to play if we have the time. I have right away a good feeling with them. One day, I was at a birthday party of a friend's mother and a little girl was the only kid of the party so I spent time to entertain her. We have a good time together.
Other kind of experience, I gave skating lessons (one per week) to three girls of 20, 22 and 23 years old during two years. It was very interesting to share my passion and to hand on my knowledge. I even had an American au pair as student !

Now I'm going to talk about my hobbies and my friends. I have a lot of hobbies and I love to discover new things. I like cinema, music (all the kind of music except rap and hard rock), dance, shopping, fashion, drawing, painting, making cakes, animals (especially dogs), travelling, visiting... I love almost everything. The only thing I hate is to be bored.

I have not tones of "real" friends because I'm very selective but the few friends I have I care of them. I think the friendship is not something which is made in one day. As we say, we realize we have friends when you need them. Anyway, I love to meet new peoples from every countries and to get to know them better and to discover their culture and values. I really hope to make new friends from all around the world in the USA !

Why I want to be au pair in America ? I want to go in the USA since a long time. I'm really interested about this country and this language. I have been in New York when I was 13 years old and it was so amazing. I chose to be an au pair because I enjoy to care of children and to have good time with them like their sister or friend. I think that it's a wonderful opportunity to be part of an American family. We will share so much things and moments ! And finally, I hope to discover the American culture, to improve my english, and to meet new peoples from every countries.

I can't wait to come and to meet you all !

See you soon !


édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle parle de son intérêt pour la vie familiale.
- Elle décrit bien ses expériences avec les enfants.
- Lettre complète et organisée.

Points à améliorer
- Traduire le nom du musée et expliquer ce que sont les Galeries Lafayette (peut-être comparer à Macy’s aux USA).
- Peut-être regrouper les cours qu’elle a donné au moment où elle parle de ses passions et non pas avec ses expériences avec les enfants car à 20-23 ans, on n’est plus enfant Wink
- Peut-être éviter de dire qu’elle est « sélective » dans ses amitiés, dire qu’elle a quelques amis qui comptent beaucoup pour elle et expliquer ses valeurs amicales est suffisant.
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:: Cultural Care ::
:: Cultural Care ::

Féminin Nombre de messages : 671
Age : 37
Activité actuelle : Traductrice à mes heures perdues
Dates de mon séjour : 26 Janvier 2009 - 21 février 2011
Ville, ETAT : Cupertino, CA
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil 2008, 8:45 pm

voici ma lettre, j'ai rendez vous mardi et je l'ai écrite en quatrième vitesse hier soir!! pouvez vous me dire ce que vous en pensez?

merci Laughing

dear family,

My name’s Maxine, I’m 21 years old. I was born in Paris but I currently live on my own, in a town called Cholet, near Nantes in the west of France. I’ve moved a lot, therefore I adjust really quickly to a new situation and location! And more, I love to move and discover other things.
After having graduate with a scientific specialty, I passed a 2-year computer science technical degree.
I have a 4 year-old sister named Lou who has been my best mean of acquisition I could ever have dreamed of! I know how to prepare a bottle, change diapers, give bath to a baby… but the best part is that I’m able to see her grow up. And being part of every step of her development is wonderful. She’s smart, funny and so cute!! I love to take care of her, it’s always a pleasure and we have our “moment”, when we hug and spin around!!
My family’s like most of the modern’s families: recomposed. Lou is actually my step-sister, born after my mother’s last marriage. My step-father has also two girls of his own with his ex-wife. But I’m still the elder one. I quickly moved from a 17 years lonely child period to a sisterhood of three younger sisters. Obviously, it’s been hard at first, but we now all get along very well, and even if I haven’t lived with them for the past two years because of my studies, we don’t live far from each other and I get to see everyone at least once a week.
For the past 6 years, I’ve done a lot of baby-sittings, especially for two little girls (Charlotte, aged 2 and Lisa, 6 when I started), every week they were at their dad’s. It’s been a wonderful experience, seeing them grow and change. I took care of their meals, bath, and put them to bed. I occasionally helped them with their homework, and of course played with them. I also have a camp leader certificate (BAFA), and I've worked in a day camp on holydays from February to July 2007. Since I’m 14 I also help a lot the younger ones at my riding school. I love being there even when I’m not riding. I help them to prepare their pony, and during the lesson. I also organize ballades for two to six kids. I love being around kids, they make us take distance with our problems, they need us and we can’t be too involved in our own trouble around them. They remind us of the best part of our life, when we were as innocent as them!!
I love animals, and most of all horses, I can’t live without them. I practice horse-riding since I was 6. On my spare time, I read a lot, love to watch movies or series, go out with my friends. The usual for a young woman of my age! I love going to the swimming-pool and water games in general. I’m really crazy about theme parks, especially Disneyland Paris! And I’m looking forward visiting Disneyworld!
I’ve always been attracted by the American culture. I enjoy discover different cultures, people, countries… I really would like become part of a family I could consider like my own, and become a big sister to your children as well. By sharing our own experiences, we could learn so much from each other. I love to travel even though I don’t really have the means to enjoy it as much as I would like!
I’m dynamic, I love to be outside and play with the children. I’m funny, and if I may seem distant at first, it’s just because of my education and me being a little shy. It will pass soon though and we will quickly be able to feel like a family! Living alone as also made me more mature and reliable; I’m able to handle myself and the children after a really short time of adjustment. I’ll be like an elder sister, listening, fun but also firm when needed. I have the support of my whole family, they know how important this is for me, that I need to do something else with my life, and what best way than becoming an au pair?!
I hope this letter has made you eager to learn more about me, as I am to learn about you! I can’t wait to become your au pair!! I really want to come to the United-States, and discover a whole new world: new culture, new people, and new way of life…
Best regards.

édit : Bonne lettre. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Elle décrit bien sa famille.
- Elle décrit bien ses loisirs et sa personnalité.
- lettre complète et organisée.

Points à améliorer
- Peut-être préciser l’éventuel projet pour la suite.
- Aller à la ligne après l’expérience de baby-sitting pour parler du BAFA.
- Elle ne décrit aucune activité réalisée en centre, de façon générale, les expériences avec les enfants pourraient être davantage développées.
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:: Butterfly et Papillon ::
:: Butterfly et Papillon ::

Masculin Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 36
Activité actuelle : Au Pair
Dates de mon séjour : 22 septembre 2008 à NY et le 26 à SFO !
Ville, ETAT : San Carlos California !
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008

[Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples   [Dear Host Family letter] Exemples - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Juil 2008, 2:39 pm

Pas mal du tt ta lettre !!!

Je mets la mienne si jamais quelqu'un à besoin d'inspiration ! :)

Dear host family,

My name is Jordan; I am 20 years old in a few weeks. I am French, I come from a small village called HATTEN at the border between France and Germany, and I also speak a little German. I study law at university in the city called STRASBOURG and live there in a little flat. I have got my driving licence since I am 18 years old. I think I have a good relationship with my family and they agree with my decision to go to the United States. They are aware that it will be a very good experience for a young boy like me. I grew up with two little sisters, Tina who is 17 years old and Kenza who is 9 years old, both of them go to school and practice Karate as I do. My father is trade manager in a factory, he practices Karate too and he is wearing black belt like me; my mother works in the real-estate business.

I chose the au pair’s program because I love to be with children. Children are very important for me and I enjoy taking care of them. I like to play with them, to draw, to play outside, to do manual or sportive activities and why not, learn the basics of French. In my mind, it’s very important to keep children safe; to be able to get their attention too and also to be able to interest them in many things. I will have to keep an eye on them every time to avoid an accident for example. I will also have to entertain them to avoid them to get bored, I will have to be an example for them and to tell and to teach them the rules of good behaviour. It's also a good experience for me to become a good father later! I am also able to help them with their homework.

For three years, from January 2005 to November 2006, I worked as a babysitter. I took care of a young girl, Allison who was 4 years old. I was with them after school, for their homework, and when arrived the week end I keep her safe and entertain Alisson to avoid her to get bored. I also worked from June 2004 to December 2004 as a babysitter for a work friend from my father. I took care of her 2 twins: Margot and Timote who was 11 Month. I keep them safe the evening when they are sleeping and I give them bottle-feed. It was very interesting.

Moreover, living in America is something I wanted for a long time, since 1996 when I was with my parents in Florida in Orlando where my father participated at the Karate World Championship, it was really beautiful! I chose the USA because this country represents for me the “self made man” the “American dream” and the “American way of life”. I don’t know too much about American people, but I am convinced that I will learn many things. That’s why I chose the USA to be an au pair. I am mentally well prepared for this trip, and I am aware that I’ll really have to “work” with children to keep my place. I don’t mind working with children, I really enjoy it. The au pair’s program will permit me to improve and to increase on the one hand my English knowledge and on the other hand to live a unique experience in a foreign country! I really want to live in an American family in order to live like them. So I am very excited to see you! I want to add that it is the year on presidential elections, so it interests me very much to see that.

Now about me … It's hard to write something about myself but I think that I'm honest, open-hearted and not complicated!
I would like to discover your “world” and I would like you to discover mine! I am a dynamic and serious person. You can trust in me. I am creative and responsible. I'm not really shy. I don't smoke and I don’t drink because I want to be in a good physical shape! I like fighting sports (I practice Karate since I was 8 and kick Boxing at the university), bodybuilding, swimming, and I enjoy going out with my friends. I like shopping, music, go to the museum and to the park. I would like to add that I spend my Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons teaching Karate to children aged 4 to 9 years in my club. It was very funny and children are really interested.

I study law and I have my high school diploma. Since November 2007, I work the week ends in a security society to pay my studies.
After this year in the States, I think I will speak English fluently and so I will find a job easier during my studies. After that I would like to become a military officer in the French army. To spend one year as a male au pair in the USA is very important for me.

I think that we will spend one excellent year together and that it will be very beneficial for me and for you.
I am really looking forward to meeting you, to take care of your children and to discover your country. I just want to realize my dream with you!

I hope to see you soon, and wish you all the best.

édit : Lettre correcte, à modifier. Anglais très correct.

Points positifs
- Il parle de la sécurité des enfants.

Points à améliorer
- Répétitions (il dit qu’il fait attention à la sécurité des enfants et qu’il essaie d’éviter qu’ils s’ennuient, puis il redit exactement la même chose pour une petite fille dont il s’est occupé).
- Le paragraphe qui décrit ses expériences avec les enfants est trop court : plutôt que de se répéter, raconter davantage les activités réalisées, raconter une anecdote.. serait plus judicieux! La rubrique qui parle des USA est plus longue! Même s’il dit qu’il n’a aucun problème pour « travailler » avec les enfants, il donne le sentiment que ceci est pour lui une obligation afin de pouvoir aller aux USA.
- Répétitions par rapport à ses études également.
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